The Plastic Waste Menace and Approaches to Its Management Through Biodegradation

The Plastic Waste Menace and Approaches to Its Management Through Biodegradation

Joan Mwihaki Nyika
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4921-6.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
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In contemporary society, the production and use of plastics is growing due to their assorted applications. However, these tendencies result to production of plastic waste whose effects to the environment are destructive. This chapter explores the production tendencies of plastics and plastic-waste chronologically, discusses its negative environmental effects, and proposes the adoption of biodegradation as a management approach. A number of effects including death, retarded growth and development, emergence of cancers, and altered physiology are associated with ingestion of plastics in animals and humans. Water and air pollution is associated with unscientific disposal of plastic waste resulting to leaching and release of greenhouse gases. The use of microbes such as bacteria and fungi that have inherent enzymes such as lipases, esterases, hydrolases, and amylases is discussed as a sustainable solution to the plastic menace. The successful use of biodegradation must be coupled with scientific research to optimise the factors influencing the process.
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The contemporary world characterised by industrial revolution has seen a surge in production and use of plastics (Howard, 2018). According to Sheth et al. (2019), plastics are an engineering marvel evident from their many applications. The trend is prompted by the suitable characteristics of plastics including corrosion resistance, affordability, durability, strength and lightweight according to Babayemi et al. (2019). By 2017, Geyer et al. (2017) noted that 8.3 billion metric tonnes of virgin plastics had be generated and out of this amount, 6.3 billion metric tonnes became waste. Another study estimated the yearly production of plastics to be approximately 140 million metric tonnes worldwide with a per capita plastic consumption of 43 kilogrammes (Babayemi et al., 2019). Of concern is the waste resulting from plastic production and use (Howard, 2018; Alpizar et al., 2020). Caruso (2015) pointed out that plastic waste is an emerging global threat with grave environmental and social implications and must be prioritised in future research to enhance its management and controlled release to environmental media. Of the resultant waste, only 12% was recycled while the rest was released to the environment or disposed at landfill facilities (Geyer et al., 2017). Drzyzga and Prieto (2018) shared similar sentiments claiming that by 2016, the world was producing more than 335 million metric tonnes of plastics and the figure was projected to double in the next two decades though most of its resultant waste was disposed. Babayemi et al. (2019) also noted that 8,300 million tonnes of virgin plastics were produced between 1950 and 2015 though a majority at 79% were landfilled. A country like India has seen consistent increase in consumption of plastics with annual consumption rates being at 0.4, 4, 8 and 16.5 million tonnes per year in 1990, 2001, 2009 and 2019, respectively and so is its associated waste production (Venkatesh & Kukreti, 2018). The European Union, North America and Asia are also high plastic producers at 57 metric tonnes, 100 and 20 kg/capita annually in respective order (Babayemi et al., 2019).

The production of plastic waste and its problematic management is a human and environmental issue worldwide that is directly proportional to economic development (Howard, 2018). The situation is more prevalent in developing countries of Africa and Asia whose capacity to recycle is limited (Babayemi et al., 2019). According to Webb et al. (2012), plastic waste resilience to degradation and its increased use leading to pollution in terrestrial and aquatic environs is a global ecological threat. Two means ensure that the plastic pollution stream is continuous: 1) through carelessly maintained waste streams and 2) intentional illegal and unscientific disposal of industrial and domestic refuse (Webb et al., 2012). With the increased production of plastics and the precognition of its negative effects, devising novel techniques of lowering plastic waste impact is essential. This can be done through the adoption of biodegradation technologies as Wierckx et al. (2018) highlighted. This chapter explores the plastic menace, available approaches of management and measures to alleviate its environmental effects through biodegradation. This technique uses natural or artificially introduced microbes (mainly bacteria and fungi) to break down plastics and has unrealised potential to improve existing efforts to manage these pollutants as many authors have noted (Ahmed et al., 2018; Fesseha & Abebe, 2019; Sheth et al., 2019).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Copolymerisation: The manufacture of polymers using a variety of monomers whose physicochemical characteristics are different.

Hypomethylation: A modification of the genetic material, DNA through the loss of its methyl group on the cytosine and guanosine bases especially in mammalian organisms.

Nature Works: An international company that specialises in the manufacture of biodegradable plastic polymers from plants.

Endocrine Disrupters: Chemicals that alter the production and release of hormones in living things.

Polyelefins: A common industrial polymer used to produce packaging films, pipes, bottles and automobile parts.

Bioamplification: Biological magnification of toxin levels in tissues of organisms that have developed resistance to such pollutants.

Biospheric Degradation: The breakdown of contents found in the earth and atmosphere where living things live through natural nutrient cycling processes.

Carcinogen: A substance that causes mutation of cells in living things leading to development of cancerous tissues.

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