The Omnipresence of Metaverse With the Cultural Conventions: An Era of Changes in the Global Context

The Omnipresence of Metaverse With the Cultural Conventions: An Era of Changes in the Global Context

Madhurima Chowdhury, Malika Banerjee
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5907-2.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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Reality always encompasses us with challenges and creates perplexities. We hanker for a life wherein everything happens according to our wants and desires. With the advancement in technology and the invention of artificial intelligence (AI), such grounds have been initiated through virtual reality wherein the Metaverse plays a significant role. Since the pandemic, the world has been more dependent on the digital world than the real one, and this has led to a major shift in the cultural conventions changing the structure of the society. People now have started to use more digital money and purchase through online stores in comparison to real ones. The omnipresence of the Metaverse will untether the potential changes and meet the desired advancements for the globalised world. It is required to understand the recent changes in the paradigms of the virtual world. The research will be a comprehensive study on how advanced technology has contributed to the dynamic changes in the cultural traits of the global society in this new era of transition.
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Metaverse And Its Significance

The metaverse is popularly also known as the parallel universe or parallel world which is very similar to the real world. metaverse can be easily said as a homogenous world to the real world where people get to experience other worlds which might be out there with synonymous beings or objects. metaverse in other words is a reflection of the real world with a new-fangled, ultra-modern experience and a deeper reality. As defined by Nevelsteen, (2018), the metaverse is a terminology that can be regarded as the portmanteau which is a combination of two worlds “meta” and “universe”. For some people, it is still an anticipated extension of the internet of things whereas few others hail metaverse as the 3.0 version of WEB. The three-dimensional variation of the real world and the astounding experience that it provides has not only created a sensation around the world but has also bewitched many.

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