The Mumbai Dabbawalas: An Efficient and Sustainable Lunchbox Delivery System

The Mumbai Dabbawalas: An Efficient and Sustainable Lunchbox Delivery System

A. B. Mishra, Abhishek Singh
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 7
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1544-6.ch007
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This case study describes the operational sustainable process of Mumbai's lifeline Dabbawalas. It examines the key characteristics that have aided in their accomplishment. The Mumbai Dabbawalas are a special case study in efficient and trustworthy food delivery. The case examines a number of Dabbawala system components, including their mission, information management, material mobility, human resource management system, and processes. It also highlights constraints that the Dabbawala enterprise has in a volatile environment which is perpetually changing. The secondary data incorporated into this case study emphasizes that the approaches utilized by the Dabbawala is a crucial element. The challenges experienced by Mumbai Dabbawallas during COVID-19 are also highlighted as well as resolutions.
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The Dabbawala system dates back to the late 19th century when a Parsi banker employed a young man to bring his lunch from home to his office. Therefore, with around a hundred workers, Mahadeo Havaji Bachche began a lunch delivery business in Bombay in 1890. This marked the beginning of the Dabbawala system, which was initially a small-scale operation consisting of a few individuals delivering food to their colleagues. Over the years, the Dabbawala system grew in popularity, and more people began to rely on it for their daily meals. In the early days, the Dabbawalas used bicycles and later, they started using local trains for transport.

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