The Literary Geography of İstanbul and the Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar in the Framework of the Narration and Tourism Relationship

The Literary Geography of İstanbul and the Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar in the Framework of the Narration and Tourism Relationship

Zeliha Öztürk
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8262-6.ch007
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This chapter aims to evaluate the works made under the title “the literary geography of İstanbul” concerning literary tourism in the activities carried out by the Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar Research and Application Centre regarding Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar and the novel Huzur. In this framework, the author examines the tourist experiences of literary tourists in actual and fictitious localities, their psycho-aesthetic experiences, the relationships they build with the city, the method used by the research center in these touristic activities, as well as the consequences of these experiences for literary tourism. The potential of Turkish literature in determining the future of cultural tourism and literary tourism will also be evaluated.
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As in all other fields, postmodernity also paved the way for experiences oriented toward the individual in tourism and gave rise to the emergence of the special interest tourism which is a new field of experience in addition to mass tourism. In this alternative tourism, the desire and pleasure object of the individual moved towards his own experience fields, rather than collective experiences. In this new touristic experience shaped according to the individual and intellectual needs of the person, the concepts of “identity” and “desire” started to come into prominence and thus the subject of “diversity” in tourism became a matter that should be given thought. From health to sports, from science to arts many needs or interests have oriented touristic experiences under this diversity. At this point, it is clear that one of the most important factors shaping the touristic experiences of individuals is their intellectual experience. Since the intellectual experiences of individuals affect their touristic activities while their touristic experiences affect their intellectual accumulation; there is a reciprocal and inseparable relationship between tourism and intellectual experiences. Among these intellectual experiences, literature started to affect, change and diversify the touristic activities of individuals as one of the most prominent areas when it comes to diversity in tourism and alternative tourism. Many subjects from literary texts (narrations, travel writings) to literary personalities (writer, fictitious personalities), from literary geography (actual-fictitious localities) to literary activities provide individuals an aesthetic pleasure that would be incorporated into their intellectual experience together with their desire to re-experience in the course of the touristic activity. At this point, all the activities experienced by individuals in the field of literature as tourists also turn into an artistic activity as much as they are a touristic activity. The psychological state of the person in relation to an artistic object and the psychological state created by a touristic activity he/she experiences in the field of arts and literature come close to each other. Since all the details concerning writers, works and readers that you might make mention of within the field of literature have the potential of turning into a touristic motivation sociologically as well as psychologically, at this point, it has become necessary to talk about literary tourism on its own. Literature, which is one of the fields for experiencing a city within the scope of cultural tourism, also turned into special interest tourism as a field having a touristic experience diversity. Literary tourism is an important and growing sector of the tourism industry, associated with places celebrated for literary depictions and/or connections with literary figures (Squire, 1996). Tourism then originates when the popularity of a literary depiction or the stature of an individual author is such that people are drawn to visit the places that he/she wrote about or was associated with (Busby & Klug, 2001, p. 319). Since men of letters and literary works which form an integral part of the city identity have the power to form a feeling of identity and sense of belonging for the tourist, it is necessary to consider literary tourism on a multidimensional basis with respect to tourism as well as artistic activity.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Literary Tourism: A trip to places that were given value to by a literary figure or a literary work and events centered around literature.

Experiential Tourist Mode: The tourist mode that focuses on reestablishing and understanding their own spiritual center as a result of touristic experiences.

Literary Place: Places that emerged in a literary tourism event based on a literary figure, literary work, or its popularity, and has the potential to turn into a touristic place.

Literary Tourism Awareness: The case of having theoretical and practical information about literature/literary tourism and travelling based on this information.

Romantic Tourist View: The tourist view that approaches touristic trips and touristic products through individual and spiritual experiences and has expectations from tourism in this direction.

Authenticity: The case of being unique, existing and being regulated while being faithful to the original.

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