The Influence of Teacher Talk in English Grammar Acquisition

The Influence of Teacher Talk in English Grammar Acquisition

Asmaa Muwafaq Alkhazraji
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 41
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9228-0.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter reviews studies related to the teacher talk through grammar instruction that occurs naturally with learners. It attempts to portray the impact of teacher talk in English grammar acquisition. It focuses on the manner learners acquire grammar verbally from their teachers' conversation. Teacher talk is the crux of grammar instruction, and the manner teachers handle it in their classroom is the main purpose of this chapter. This chapter also highlights the role of techniques, strategies, and procedures used during teacher talk in the learning process. It contributes to improving the grammatical rules acquisition through the post-method pedagogy. The conversation analysis method was used for the transcription and analysis of the data. Consequently, this chapter focuses on the issues related to grammar, grammar instruction, techniques, and strategies used in teacher talk through grammar explanation. This was done with reference to the interaction procedures used by the teacher to improve and extend the learning space.
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Savage et al. (2010) explicated the traditional grammar with special focus on the different methods of teaching. Grammar Instruction oscillated from analyzing the rules of grammar in a sentence, and enabling learners use these rules through drills. Even though learners learnt the structure about grammar, they could not utilize these rules in a meaningful communication.

Key Terms in this Chapter

CA: Refers to conversation analysis.

IRF: Refers to initiation, response, and feedback.

LSRW: Means listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.

CLT: Refers to communicative language teaching.

FoF: Means focus on form.

ESL: Refers to English as a second language.

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