The Influence of Human Resources Management Processes (HRMPs) to Achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage

The Influence of Human Resources Management Processes (HRMPs) to Achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Mufleh Amin AL Jarrah, Louay Karadsheh, Muawya Naser, Samer Alhawari
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8356-1.ch070
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This article is used to examine the impact of HRMP to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) in organizations. The hypotheses that HRMPs influences SCA imply that control of distinctive processes of human resources management (HRM) in industrial companies implies distinct factors of SCA. As a result, new questionnaires were developed and disseminated to 50 companies (200 top and middle managers) in Jordan in a survey format. The collected data was subjected to several simple regression tests using an SPSS program. The research findings presented that different processes of HRM, depending on acquisition, recruitment, training, evaluation performance, and promotion. There has been a strong interest in competing to achieve the highest SCA. The implications of the findings were discussed and suggestions were made.
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In a period of globalization, the creative processes and business models, organizations pursue a groundbreaking chance through which they can achieve a SCA. However, HRMPs are one of the most fast-paced developing ideas of management in organizations. It is the influence of the alignment on HRM in management, and of the era of business-based on processes. Currently, HRMPs are a key resource for the organization to achieve the SCA Hence; the HRM in organizations helps in several methods for purposes achieving a SCA. Recently, Zehir et al. (2016) noted that many businesses considered the importance of Human Resources (HR) processes such as selection of HR, improvement, and retention of HR. Additionally, Chuang et al. (2013) explained that HRMPs developed employees' abilities to have a good affiliation with co-workers to provide the workforces with the chance to interact with other worker which helps to build interpersonal relationships.

In another study by Hecklau et al. (2016) noted that the three main functional areas of HRM can be defined as: personal development which refers to competence, team development which refers to collaboration, and organizational development which refers to structure and processes in order to ensure the retention of jobs in changing working environments for organization.

Additionally, Vardarlher (2016) explains that the organizations have already started to pay more attention to HRMPs, to achieve a SCA and high performance in business functions. Similarity, Fiss, P. C. (2011) noted that the HR model was useful in capturing the entire HR system structure within an organization and HR practices as processes are seen as a possible basis of sustained competitive advantage. In this, HRMPs served as a potential means through which organizations can efficiently accumulate and develop the depth of their SCA.

While many literature reviews associated to HRMPs have been investigated, such as: (Cech et al. 2016; Jiang et al. 2012; Stone & Dulebohn, 2012; Aluwi & Saihani, 2013; DeCieri et al. 2008; Imran & Ahmed, 2012; Dar et al. 2011). And different study related to HRMPs and SCA have been conducted such as (Lepak & Snell, 2002; Ghosh & Gurunathan, 2015; Buller & McEvoy, 2012; Zehir et al. 2016). There has been a definite lack of academic effort to address the issue of HRMPs (Acquisition, Recruitment, Training, Evaluation performance, and Promotion) in the SCA (Continuously developing job nature, rapidly changing for work environment, and Innovation of business Process) as an integrated model. Furthermore, the studies in the field of HRM processes are rich. Several studies such as (Diaz-Fernandez et al. 2017; Olson et al. 2018; Galli, 2018) cover the subject of HRM separately not integrated with and SCA. Meanwhile, HRM processes ensure a SCA. Moreover, based on strong competition between organizations, having a SCA without HRM processes is not sufficient since it is easy to be imitated. Hence, the problem of this paper arose due to two ideas. Firstly, it was based on the gap in the previous studies related to SCA; meanwhile, the other idea sprang from the practical problem facing manufacturing companies in Jordan. As Jordan joined World Trade Organization (WTO) in April 2000, the increased competition among national and international companies served in highlighting the weak level of SCA of many Jordanian manufacturing companies. Therefore, understanding how to improve HRMPs to improve the SCA of Jordanian manufacturing companies listed in Amman stock exchange under the industrial sector is now a priority and essential. Thus, the researchers reviewed the previous literature and found that there is a gap between what has been done and what this research aims to examine. This gap could signify that no one, based on researchers’ knowledge, has investigated the relationship between HRMPs and achieving SCA. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to portray the advancement in the literature on HRMPs and SCA from a theoretical point of view.

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