The Influence of Fires on Forest Ecosystems

The Influence of Fires on Forest Ecosystems

Olga Anatolievna Pasko, Vasily Fedorovich Kovyavin, Nadezhda Anatolyevna Lebedeva
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1867-0.ch015
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The chapter focuses on the role of fire as an environmental factor affecting the components of the forest ecosystem. The classification of forest fires according to the fire location in the forest ecosystem is given. Negative impact of fire on communities and people, components of forest ecosystems: a phytocoenosis (the forest under-growth, understory, ground cover), tocinos (animal world), klimatop (atmosphere and climate) and adatom (topography and soil) are discussed. The role of fire as a factor of organisms and natural ecosystems' evolution in general is studied. The problems of forest restoration on fires (fumes) are considered. Research established that the degree of damage to the ecosystem components and social consequences depend on the forest fire type, natural conditions, and forest conditions of the region.
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At the earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the UN Convention on climate change was solemnly adopted. It entered into force on 21 March 1994 and was signed by representatives of more than 180 countries. The Convention specifies the need for cooperation in the development and dissemination of technologies, methods and processes that reduce anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, in particular forestry, as well as the rational use of sinks and reservoirs of all greenhouse gases, including forests (United Nations framework, 1992). In the development of modern public policies, most States, along with the effects of climate change, attach great importance to the conservation and sustainable use of living natural capital based on biodiversity conservation (Johannesburg Declaration, 2002). The global environmental role of forests is also reflected in the UN Convention On biological diversity (The UN Convention, 2002), the statement of principles for a global consensus on the management, conservation and development of all types of forests (Management, 1992), and the national sustainable development strategies of many countries.

The international community recognizes that forests are essential for biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration and oxygen release. They are the valuable source of renewable energy. One resource of nature use is replaced by an integrated management, taking into account characteristics of the ecosystem.

The forest is considered to be not only as a source of wood, but also as a habitat of various species and some carrier of the most important functions, including soil protection from erosion processes, an active participant of water and gas exchange, recreation area, part of the landscape and natural heritage, “business card” of a territory (Perelet, 2006; Pasko, 2013). The ecosystem approach involves the analysis of the forest as a community of living organisms that interact systematically with each other and with non-living components of the habitat. Biotic and abiotic components are linked together through nutrient cycles and energy flows (Ecosystems and People, 2019) and their disruption to one component leads to changes in the structure and relationships of the entire ecosystem.

Up to 400,000 forest fires occur on earth each year, the area of burning reaches 0.5% of the total forest area and about 1-4 billion tons of coal are released into the atmosphere each year by forest fires around the world (Andreae & Goldammer, 1992).

Extreme and catastrophic forest fires are known. In 1871 the fire “of Peshtigo” has been. It's area of about 1.5 million hectares resulted to the deaths of 1,150 people in Wisconsin and Michigan (USA). In 1915, Siberian forest fires covered an area of 12 million hectares and led to the formation of thick smog, which lasted about 50 days. In 1972 forests and peat bogs were burning in the European territory of Russia in the area of over 100 thousand square kilometers during the summer months. 104 people were killed by their fire only in the Moscow region.

The main causes of forest fires are: human activity, lightning, spontaneous combustion of peat edges and agricultural fires in hot weather. Forest fires destroy trees, undergrowth, underwood, ground cover and harvested wood (Fig. 2) (Pasko @, Baranova, 2014). They also reduce the value of forest land significantly. Water protection, protectiveness and wood together with other useful forest properties are decreasing as a result of fires. The fauna perishes, engineering constructions, and in some cases – the whole settlements are destroyed. The landscape of the district changes (Fig. 3) the atmospheric pollution by combustion products.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Forest Protection: A special service organized for the protection of forests under the jurisdiction of the state forestry bodies and control over the protection of collective farm forests, urban forests, forest reserves and fixed forests.

Fire Monitoring: A system of observation and control of fire danger in the forest according to weather conditions, the condition of forest combustible materials, fire sources and forest fires in order to timely develop and implement measures to prevent forest fires and (or) reduce damage from them.

Forest Fund: A set of forest and non-forest land categories of administrative economic territories.

Emergency Forest Fire: The situation in the certain territory, developed as a result of the source of natural emergencies – forest fire (forest fires), which can entail or entailed human victims, the damage to human health and the environment, considerable material losses and violation of conditions of activity of people.

Fire Suppression: Actions of participants of fire extinguishing aimed at the final cessation of combustion, as well as to exclude the possibility of its re-occurrence Gorenje.

Forest Fire: A spontaneous, uncontrolled spread of fire over forest areas.

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