The Influence of Financial Incentives and Other Socio-Economic Factors on Two-Wheeler EV Adoption in the NCR Region

The Influence of Financial Incentives and Other Socio-Economic Factors on Two-Wheeler EV Adoption in the NCR Region

Farah Siraj, Pooja Mehra
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8810-2.ch013
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Electric vehicles are a technological advancement that has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lessen the effects of climate change. However, externalities like knowledge appropriability and pollution reduction produce societal and economic benefits that are not reflected in the cost of electric vehicles. Governments have implemented a few strategies to solve the ensuing market failures. The authors identified a few additional socio-economic parameters based on the research that are anticipated to have an impact on the adoption rates of electric vehicles. They investigated the link between those variables and the effect of socio-economic factors on these variables using structural equation modelling. The model discovered that there is no correlation between financial incentives awareness and two-wheeler EV uptake. The findings indicate that among these socioeconomic characteristics, adoption of two-wheeled electric vehicles was most strongly correlated with age, gender, education, married status, and yearly family income.
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India is the world's third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHG) after China and the United States, accounting for about 7% of global emissions. The country's emissions have been steadily increasing over the past few decades, largely due to its rapidly growing economy and population. UN-SDG 13 (considering this scenario) urges for prompt action in lowering greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change (Montiel, Cuervo-Cazurra, Park, Antoln-López, & Husted, 2021; Porter, Tuertscher, & Huysman, 2020).

According to the International Energy Agency's (IEA) Global CO2 emissions from fuel combustion report for 2020, the transportation sector accounted for about 24% of global energy-related CO2 emissions.

According to Wang et al (2018), electric vehicles two-wheeler (EVs) is one of the most promising environmentally beneficial technologies against pollution and energy demand from the transportation industry. Two programmes have been started by the Indian government to encourage the use of electric vehicles (EVs) there. By 2030, the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan's (NEMMP) goal is for all vehicles to be electric. Through the Faster acceptance and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles (FAME) India strategy, EV consumer acceptance is encouraged, and India becomes a hub for EV production.

The market share of electric vehicles (EVs) in India is still relatively low, but it is growing rapidly. According to a report by the Society of Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles (SMEV), EV sales in India increased by 20% in the fiscal year 2020-21, with a total of 2,36,802 units sold (SMEV, 2021).

Figure 1.

Automobile domestic sales trend

Source: SIAM (Society of Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles)

Practically speaking, as illustrated in Figure 1 (Society of Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles, 2021), sales of electric four-wheelers (E4W) have remained mostly flat while the rise of the EV industry in India is being driven by electric two-wheelers (E2W). In 2022–2023, electric two-wheeler sales accounted for roughly 62% of all EV sales up from 55 percent in 2021–2022 period. This rise has been influenced by elements such as rising gasoline prices, environmental consciousness, and government subsidies.

Despite their significant presence in the transportation industry, research on the deployment of two-wheeler electric vehicles (EVs) in developing nations like India is lacking. While some studies discuss EV adoption difficulties in India, additional research is required to fully understand the opportunities and problems unique to two-wheeler EVs. The goal of this study is to investigate how socioeconomic characteristics and government incentives affect the uptake of electric two-wheelers among Indian customers.

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