The Influence of Environmentally Mindful Marketing Tactics on the Perceptual Framework and Predispositions of Generation Z Shoppers in the Indian App

The Influence of Environmentally Mindful Marketing Tactics on the Perceptual Framework and Predispositions of Generation Z Shoppers in the Indian App

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3049-4.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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Green marketing decisively helps businesses distinguish themselves from their competition, strengthen their image, and obtain the attention of consumers who increasingly prefer environmentally conscious businesses. By elevating a business's reputation and image, green marketing creates an effect on how people consider a brand and enhances customer loyalty and retention. The “green generation,” or Generation Z, is well-known for its sustainable product preferences and ecological concerns. The study analysed how green marketing techniques relate to and affect Gen Z customers' purchasing habits in India's garment industry. The study targeted 300+ Gen Z consumers through an online cross-sectional survey to get information on their perceptions of green brands, green marketing tactics, purchase intentions, and buying patterns. This study found that green marketing tactics used by fashion firms have a favorable impact and the ability to affect various aspects of customer behavior.
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2. Review Of Previous Study

Although it has emerged as a popular issue, the idea of “green marketing” was first identified as ecological marketing in the late 1970s (Henion, 1976). Three historical periods can be distinguished in the development of the green marketing idea (Hunt, 2011). The first stage began in the 1970s with a number of marketing initiatives targeting environmental problems like pesticide use and air pollution.. The second stage of this notion occurred in the following decade when marketers met opposition from environmental groups and consumers. The third stage of green marketing began in 2000, when modern technology, the introduction of more substantial government restrictions, and environmental consciousness promoted interest in the green marketing idea among academics and practitioners alike (Punitha and Rasdi, 2013).

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