The Implementation of BIM Software in Different Construction Stages

The Implementation of BIM Software in Different Construction Stages

Tze Shwan Lim, Zhao Yang Low, Lam Tatt Soon, Habizah Sheikh Ilmi, Kenn Jhun Kam, Myzatul Aishah Kamarazaly
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1650-4.ch014
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BIM enhances construction industry outcomes by connecting people, technology, and processes by incorporating extensive additional information and facilitating information exchange with project stakeholders. However, BIM software has limitations that have led to reluctance in its adoption. This research aims to explore the positive impacts and limitations of BIM software in various construction stages (pre-construction, design, construction, handover, and closeout), and seeks to improve understanding and find solutions for improvement. The research employed quantitative method by survey approach using questionnaires distributed to consultant parties in the industry. Results show that BIM has brought different unique functions that help assist the respondents. Despite that, limitations of BIM implementation found from the results are due to the lack of knowledge, high cost, and software capabilities to be further improved on. Respondents believed that the most effective solutions to tackle the limitations were mainly involved with education, enhancing BIM tools, and training.
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The use of BIM software in the construction industry has greatly impacted all parties involved in construction projects (Liu, 2021). It provides construction engineers with increased protection during site visits and analysis accidents and offers a more intuitive and convenient experience for architectural design and construction. BIM software also performs various calculations, including 3D modeling, rendering, load computation (e.g., wind, snow, self-weight), and analysis of energy use and daylighting.

During the pre-construction stage of a project, initial ideas are considered, and the location and feasibility of the project are assessed. The design phase involves collaboration between architects, engineers, and other stakeholders to develop contemporary concepts. A cost estimate is prepared by the project team, considering factors such as labor, materials, and legal requirements, with input from Quantity Surveyors. The construction stage is led by the main contractor, who oversees resources and project updates, while the design team ensures quality control and reviews documentation. The construction closeout stage involves a final inspection and the compilation of project data and lessons learned (Gerardi, 2021).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Limitation: Something that controls or reduces something.

BIM: Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility.

Construction: The action of building something or structure.

Software: A set of programs, procedures, and routines associated with the operation of a computer system.

Impact: A marked effect or influence.

Stages: A part of an activity or a period of development.

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