The Impact of War on Higher Education: The Context of Wars in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, and Afghanistan

The Impact of War on Higher Education: The Context of Wars in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, and Afghanistan

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1926-0.ch016
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This chapter investigates the far-reaching consequences of conflict on higher education systems in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, and Afghanistan. It dives into the issues that these countries face, including the destruction of academic infrastructure, displacement of professors and students, curriculum changes, and gender inequities. Despite these adversities, professors and students demonstrate tremendous perseverance. International collaborations and support play an essential role in protecting education opportunities. The chapter underlines the continuing importance of education in building stability, peacemaking, and growth in war-torn communities, offering hope for a brighter future.
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War, the essence of human struggle, inflicts indelible wounds on communities, transcending the immediate physical devastation to penetrate the very fabric of civilization. Beyond the terrible tales of battlefields and geopolitical conflicts, war leaves in its wake a path of deep disturbances that extend well beyond the frontlines. As the globe continues to cope with the complexity of modern warfare and its global repercussions, it becomes important to study one of its often-overlooked casualties: higher education. The quest of knowledge and the promotion of intellectualism have been important pillars of human progress throughout history. Higher education institutions have acted as sanctuaries of enlightenment, where the torch of wisdom is transmitted from one generation to the next. They are locations where individuals transcend boundaries of culture, creed, and situation to stimulate innovation, critical thinking, and societal growth. Yet, in places embroiled by protracted conflicts, the sanctity of these intellectual havens is persistently tested, and the entire character of higher education comes under threat.

This chapter continues on a comprehensive investigation of the profound and complex repercussions of war on higher education, with a special focus on the war-torn landscapes of Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, and Afghanistan. Each of these nations has endured persistent instability, lengthy bloodshed, and social upheaval, and their higher education systems have borne the burden of these chaotic circumstances. As we delve into the various challenges and shared experiences encountered by these four distinct war-affected regions, it is vital to note that the implications of war on higher education are not confined to the destruction of physical infrastructure alone. The corrosive impacts of conflict pervade every part of academia, resulting to the relocation of researchers and students, the erosion of curriculum coherence, the stifling of research and innovation, and the weakening of international academic collaboration. We sincerely think that education, even in the most terrible conditions, contains the promise of transformation. It is a beacon of hope that can illuminate the darkest of times, and it remains the basis upon which the future of every nation is constructed. Therefore, while we negotiate the labyrinthine environment of war's influence on higher education, we renew our commitment to understanding and advocating for the resilience and rebirth of intellectual pursuits in the face of hardship. The journey may be long and riddled with problems, but the destination—a brighter, more educated, and wealthy future—is one worth working for.

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