The Impact of Instagram on Consumer Behavior of Football Supporters: The Case of Sport Lisboa e Benfica

The Impact of Instagram on Consumer Behavior of Football Supporters: The Case of Sport Lisboa e Benfica

Copyright: © 2025 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3868-1.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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Brands need to be where their consumers are. Social networks, by providing the possibility of interaction in real time, have become excellent communication and relationship tools between organizations and their stakeholders. Football clubs, highly complex sports and social organizations cannot stay out of this new reality. This chapter aims to understand the impact that the relationship quality and the communication and engagement on Instagram have on the consumption behaviors of supporters of the football club Sport Lisboa e Benfica (SLB). To this end, a mixed data collection method was applied, with exploratory interviews to some directors of the club, analysis of the club's Instagram publications, and a questionnaire survey to supporters (n= 361). The results confirm that there is a significant relationship quality between the supporters and the club, and that the communication and engagement on Instagram stimulates the consumption of the club's products and services, which generates significant financial returns.
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