The Impact of Biased Design and Hegemony on Sustainable Future-Ready Learning: Digital Transformation Challenges

The Impact of Biased Design and Hegemony on Sustainable Future-Ready Learning: Digital Transformation Challenges

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-5033-5.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is committed to “quality education.” However, little actionable strategy remains on how to define and measure this goal, particularly in the face of an increasingly digitized future, fueled by emergencies and the need for quality distance learning. Additionally, to achieve SDG 4 in a digital era, societies must undergo substantial reforms in 1) conceptualizing teaching, learning, and assessment, and 2) designing and exporting technology. The successful uptake of new technology is frustrated by a complex array of ecological conditions, hegemonic power structures, and multifaceted digital divides. Through a systems approach, this chapter explores how digital environments function and create barriers. The authors argue that effective technology-based interventions must include awareness of the externalities that impact digital design, providing examples from the Global South. The chapter concludes with recommendations on the transformation needed for successful implementation and sustainable integration.
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Through a systems approach, this chapter will explore how digital environments function, drawing on a complex interplay of fields and theories, including but not limited to international development, Social Construction of Technology (SCOT), media ecology, algorithmic bias, and surveillance capitalism. We will argue that successful technology-based interventions for a sustainable education must include strategic awareness of the externalities that impact digital design and will describe those externalities here. The chapter will conclude with recommendations on the transformation needed for successful implementation and integration.

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