The i2Flex Instructional Methodology Implemented in K-12 Classes for ESL and Foreign Language Learners

The i2Flex Instructional Methodology Implemented in K-12 Classes for ESL and Foreign Language Learners

Jenny E. Grigoropoulos, Heike Arnold, Christina J. Rocha
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7760-8.ch021
(Individual Chapters)
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The intention of this chapter is to demonstrate the implementation of the innovative instructional i2Flex methodology in Elementary School, Middle School, and High School classes for young EFL, ESL, and Foreign Language learners. Within a conceptual framework consisting of the ACS educational philosophy, reference features of foreign language teaching and the terminological definition of i2Flex, the three authors will outline a detailed explanation of their methodological and educational procedures, translating the i2Flex into practice in their foreign language classes. In a common conclusion of the three study cases, the authors will critically evaluate their experiences in their classrooms and the learning outcomes. They will then give insights and recommendations on how to consolidate the mutual symbiosis between face-to-face and flexible guided student learning supported by technology, guided towards independent and inquiry based student learning, in order to create a long-term, meaningful, academic blended learning in accordance to the i2Flex methodology and practice.
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  • Education is a social process; education is growth;

  • education is not preparation for life but life itself”

  • John Dewey (John Dewey Quotes, 2015)

The inspiring imagery of this quote by John Dewey, guides the authors of this chapter and their intention is to demonstrate how the innovative instructional methodology i2Flex has been implemented in ACS Athens, ESL/EFL and Foreign Language classes (Grigoropoulos & Arnold, 2016). The three essential components that determine the conceptual framework of the ensuing implementation of i2Flex in language classes consist of: the ACS Athens educational philosophy, the description and reference of i2Flex to foreign language teaching, and the terminological definition of i2Flex. In the implementation section the authors will explain their instructional methods and their integration of the i2Flex methodology into their practices.

In her subchapter, Dr. Grigoropoulos has been implementing i2Flex in her ESL (English as a Second Language) classes in elementary school. In the first edition, she examined the implementation of i2Flex practices in her middle school classes (Grigoropoulos & Arnold, 2016). In the second edition, her main challenge was how to integrate i2Flex practices, while instructing the younger students to engage them, while inspiring them to become the creators and architects of their own learning (Grigoropoulos & Gialamas, 2019).

The intention of Mrs. Arnold’s subchapter is to investigate the sustainable validity of her educational concept “The Dynamic Creation of Specific Blended-Learning Scenarios”, that she developed in 2014 (Arnold, 2014) and expounded in the first edition of this chapter in 2016 (Grigoropoulos & Arnold, 2016). Under the umbrella of implementing the ACS i2Flex methodology into a distance learning class environment, she demonstrates how her German 1 language learners and she experienced and managed the transition to distance learning and teaching. With special attention to the role of the educator regarding his/her social, pedagogical and cognitive presence in hybrid and digital learning environments, she closes this subchapter with a critical reflection.

Ms. Rocha’s subchapter examines the use of i2Flex focusing on a specific approach towards vocabulary acquisition. She investigates its effect through the use of an online tool Quizlet, on new vocabulary comprehension within her Spanish classes with both middle and high schools. She first explores the pedagogical process of vocabulary acquisition, and then explains how she uses Quizlet to further it, inside and outside of the classroom.

In the conclusion, the authors define their experiences in the classrooms and the learning outcomes are critically evaluated under the umbrella of the introductory conceptual framework and followed by supportive recommendations.

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