The Human Resources Perspective on the Multigenerational Workforce

The Human Resources Perspective on the Multigenerational Workforce

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2395-7.ch013
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It is a key issue how different generations coming together for a specific purpose of the business evaluate critical information. In information processing, HRM has critical roles in adapting to the diversity of the multigenerational workforce and fostering creativity. While managing a multigenerational workforce can provide a competitive advantage, ignoring the process can cause sustainability matters for the business. From this point of view, it is useful to consider the multigenerational workforce from different perspectives in terms of HRM. All efforts to understand employees are substantial as they contribute to creating an effective and synergic organization.
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To understand the state of the future of Human Resource Management, it is necessary to search the variables that affect the nature of individuals in an organization. Environmental factors such as economy, technology, social culture, and other life conditions that affect people are variables that also have the potential to affect the future of the HRM practices, as well as organizational structures. One of the concepts that explain the change of individuals in light of all these factors is generations. Thereby, the idea of this chapter is to provide a basic theoretical framework for generations and their impacts on HRM. According to this idea, it is aimed to provide a practical, and comprehensive guide for practices of future HRM within the scope of the generations. This literature search is based on the general scanning model also known as the qualitative research method by using secondary data to draw attention to new generations in the workplace. Following the theoretical structure, a hypothetical scenario that is based on an HRM case study is discussed within the scope of critical theory.

Key Terms in this Chapter

HPO: High performance organization is a conceptual framework developed to create a highly efficient organization in which roles are clearly defined, leading to sustainable organizational performance.

HRM: Human resources management is a strategic approach to the effective and efficient management of employees in an organization in order to gain sustainable competitive advantage and outperform their competitors.

MBO: Management by objectives is a strategic process in which objectives are communicated to organizational members by arranging organizational structures aimed at achieving each objective.

OCR: Optical character recognition or reader is a business solution for automating data extraction from physical text with the use of technology to distinguish printed or handwritten text characters.

HPWP: High performance work practices are a set of human resources practices aimed at improving the overall performance and effectiveness of the organization by making better use of skills.

TNA: Training needs analysis is a systematic process that determines what type of training is required and includes details on training implementation to help employees work efficiently.

CMS: Critical management studies offers a number of alternatives to mainstream management theory with the aim of radically transforming existing practices.

GFC: Global financial crisis is a severe worldwide economic crisis that represents a period of extreme stress in global financial markets and banking systems.

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