The Growth and Development of Data Security Using Cryptography Algorithms and Machine Learning Algorithms

The Growth and Development of Data Security Using Cryptography Algorithms and Machine Learning Algorithms

Raja V.
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4159-9.ch009
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Cryptography is an important technique for protecting information and communications. It utilizes codes to ensure that only the intended recipients can access and understand the content. In the field of computer science, cryptography relies on mathematical concepts and algorithms are used to transform messages into an encrypted form. In our current era of increasing internet and information technology, securing data has become a vital concern. The cryptography algorithms are used to protect the data from unauthorized users, the machine learning algorithms are used to identify the common similarity between the huge data set. Both the ideologies differ from one to another, but in this chapter discusses the connection between the giant models in a newer way. The evolution of cryptography, from ancient times to modern technology, is explored in this chapter.
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Cryptographic algorithms, (Lara-Nino et al., 2018) are mathematical procedures used to encrypt and decrypt data. These algorithms play a crucial role in secure communications, protecting information by transforming it into an unreadable format. Only someone with the appropriate decryption key can understand it.

Cryptographic Algorithms in Various Times

Ancient times: The Greeks and Romans used simple substitution ciphers. For example, the Caesar cipher replaced each letter in a message by a letter a fixed number of positions down the alphabet.

Middle Ages: More complex ciphers, such as the Vigenère cipher, were developed during the Middle Ages. These ciphers involved several Caesar ciphers in sequence with different shift values. World War II. Cryptography played a critical role in World War II, with the Enigma machine used by Germany being one of the most famous examples.

Figure 1.

Model of cryptography


The device used mechanical rotors to achieve a complex form of substitution cipher. Breaking the Enigma code by the Allies is considered a significant event in the history of cryptography.

Modern cryptography: The advent of computers led to the development of much more complex cryptographic algorithms (Meraouche et al., 2021). In the 1970s, symmetric key cryptography was revolutionized after IBM introduced the Data Encryption Standard (DES). The invention of asymmetric key cryptography followed, and the RSA algorithm became a standard.

Cryptographic Algorithm Types

Figure 2.

Types of cryptography algorithms


Symmetric Key

Symmetric key algorithms use the same key for converting plaintext data into ciphertext (encryption) and the other way around (decryption). Examples include AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and DES (Data Encryption Standard) (Abd Zaid & Hassan, 2021). Symmetric key algorithms are relatively fast and useful for bulk data encryption.

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