The Future of Vocational Learning in India: How Artificial Intelligence and Creativity Will Shape Learning of Skills in 2030

The Future of Vocational Learning in India: How Artificial Intelligence and Creativity Will Shape Learning of Skills in 2030

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2314-4.ch015
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The integration of emerging AI technologies in vocational education and learning will have a significant impact on the learning of skills in India by 2030. Artificial intelligence-based tutorial and simulation systems can provide personalized learning experiences to students, allowing them to learn at their own pace and level of understanding. This can greatly enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of vocational education, leading to better learning outcomes and higher employability of graduates. Overall, the integration of AI technologies in vocational education and learning has the potential to transform the way skills are learned and acquired in India. By leveraging the power of AI and creativity, students can develop the skills and competencies needed to succeed in a rapidly evolving and increasingly competitive job market.
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Operationalization Of Terms

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of machines to perform activities that often require intelligence comparable to that of a human, such as learning, problem-solving, decision-making, and language processing. Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are capable of making predictions or offering recommendations, as well as analysing and interpreting large amounts of data. AI technology is fast evolving and has a wide range of applications in sectors like healthcare, banking, transportation, and entertainment.

Vocational Learning

The goal of vocational education is to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in a particular trade, profession, or vocation. In order to prepare students for jobs in industries like technology, healthcare, construction, and hospitality, among others, vocational education frequently offers hands-on instruction and experience. It is frequently provided through technical institutions, community colleges, and vocational schools, and it could include an apprenticeship or on-the-job training. Vocational education can be a useful route to joining the workforce or moving forward in a chosen career. It can result in a number of credentials, such as certificates, diplomas, or degrees.


There are many different definitions of creativity, which is a key component of human cognition. Although academics have offered a variety of definitions of creativity, most of them concur that it entails the development of original and worthwhile ideas or solutions to issues. Amabile (1997), for instance, described creativity as the generation of original, pertinent concepts in any area of human endeavour. The concept of creativity is intricate and multifaceted, and it has received substantial research in psychology. It refers to the capacity to come up with original and worthwhile notions or solutions to issues, frequently through fusing previously unrelated ideas or concepts. Numerous hypotheses have been put out by psychologists to explain creativity, one of which is the cognitive approach, which contends that creativity involves the development of novel ideas through utilising cognitive processes including divergent thinking, insight, and analogical reasoning. Another strategy is the social-personality approach, which emphasises the contribution of individual traits and qualities to the development of creativity, such as motivation and persistence.

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