The Future of Cyber Security Starts Today, Not Tomorrow

The Future of Cyber Security Starts Today, Not Tomorrow

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 28
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8666-5.ch016
(Individual Chapters)
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This study dives into the field of cybersecurity, analyzing current trends and laying out a conceptual framework for spotting new issues with societal bearing that call for more study in the area. The research eventually seeks to better society's general cybersecurity posture by effectively spotting trends and new risks by using text mining to examine cybersecurity material distributed between 2008 and 2018 in both scholarly and media sources. There is a significant time-based connection between the resources, as shown by the study's discovery of both convergences and divergences between the two cybersecurity corpora. Overall, the study's methodology shows how well automatic methods can be used to offer insightful information on socially significant and new cybersecurity subjects. The framework directs future academic study in this area with the intention of strengthening society's overall cybersecurity stance.
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2. Threats And Vulnerability

Cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities are constantly shifting, creating a challenging and dynamic environment for businesses and people to operate in. The following are some of the most important dangers and weaknesses to be mindful of, both now and in the future:

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