The Epistemology of ChatGPT

The Epistemology of ChatGPT

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9300-7.ch007
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It is true that our beliefs are formed through personal experiences, upbringing, cultural influences, education, and other external factors, and we do not have direct control over our beliefs. Our belief is not entirely under our conscious control. Let's put questions on the ethical use of ChatGPT in education. Why are people fearful of adopting the new technology such as artificial intelligence? The recent launch of ChatGPT, an AI tool, led to banned in several institutions after hearing about its potential as creating content and generating a wide range of textual output. So, how, or can, we inspire the institutions to change their beliefs by not banning the tool? How can we morally use ChatGPT with values, principles, and norms that govern ethical behavior?
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Anti-Chatgpt Arguments

Those who oppose to use ChatGPT, on moral grounds

  • P1) ChatGPT can cause academic dishonesty.

  • P2) Academic dishonesty is morally wrong.

    • C)

      ChatGPT is morally wrong.

I agree that we are imperfect being and we tend to act several morally wrong acts in our daily life such as procrastination on completing a task. Yet, these are not morally disastrous and we do not change our life style. People will not belief in using ChatGPT use as morally wrong as it does not have sufficient argument to belief.


Literature Available

Let discuss the current available literature on the ethical implication of ChatGPT. ChatGPT has attracted remarkable attentions from academia, research, and industries in a very short span of time (Ray, 2023). By creating deceptive or erroneous content, ChatGPT has the potential to do harm said by Emma Bowman (Bowman, 2022) . Michael Liebrenz et al has raised the issues in increasing the research output by using ChatGPT (Liebrenz et al., 2023). A recent study published by Zhuo et al., showing the evidence of ethical risks using ChatGPT (Zhuo et al., 2023). Another study emphasis on the privacy, fairness, non-discrimination, transparency in the use of ChatGPT in education (Mhlanga, 2023). There are several pre-print available that stress on the responsible use of ChatGPT (Krügel et al., 2023).

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