The Emerging Psychological Problem of the Digitalized World: Pathological Internet Use

The Emerging Psychological Problem of the Digitalized World: Pathological Internet Use

Eliz Volkan, Umut Çıvgın
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8397-8.ch014
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This chapter mainly aims to shed light on a rather overlooked phenomenon of pathological Internet use (PIU). Due to the rise of the technology, the global internet usage is almost inevitable, yet although it has many benefits, the dependency towards the internet usage (where it is specific or general) is an alarming psychological condition, especially for young adults and adolescents. The disorder and its related problems as well as treatment and intervention options that are evidence-based are reported. The results of treatment-outcome studies underlying the positive effects of CBT for PIU are presented. The necessity of more literature in the related field and the need for an official diagnosis for better understanding of etiology and treatment of PIU is underlined.
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Pathological Internet Use: Its Causes And Problems

Related to the previous indications, literature further points out that the behavioral addictions can be formed in two groups: passive (watching TV) or active (playing PlayStation) (Alavi, et al., 2012). Based on that, the main indicator of the addiction and the repetition of the behavior lies within the reinforcement. Regardless whether the behavior is passive or active, it needs to stimulate reinforcement mechanisms in an individual in order to be repeated. This further can be explained by brain-based learning mechanisms (mainly through dopamine and reward circuits of the brain) which will be focused on next, and the learning theories through reinforcement (Watson, 1913; Skinner, 1948).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy: It is a talk therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing and regulating the way you think and act.

Psychopharmacology: It is the field of science that creates the structure of drugs used in the field of mental health, uses them, and examines their effects on individuals.

Pathological Internet Use: It is a disorder that is characterized by poorly controlled urges and behaviours in relation to excessive Internet usage which often results in impaired mental well-being.

Psychotherapy: It is a treatment method through speech communication, which includes procedures aimed at solving emotional and behavioral problems of individuals, improving and protecting their mental health.

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