The Current Generation 5G and Evolution of 6G to 7G Technologies: The Future IoT

The Current Generation 5G and Evolution of 6G to 7G Technologies: The Future IoT

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8785-3.ch023
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Broadband cellular networking technologies 5G/6G/7G for establishing connections between users and sending data over the internet are sometimes referred to as the “internet of things” or embedded items. IoT brings about a huge amount of traffic as a result of the strong interaction among the millions of connected things available at the time of deployment to particular applications. The increase in the popularity of the internet of things has been likened to an increase in the number of barriers. In this study, the current use of 5G edge network infrastructure with IoT-enabled and hybrid and multi-cloud deployments need 6G and 7G technologies, and the authors examine the current state of IoT as well as potential conditions and challenges that may influence IoT acquisition. In this chapter there is a comparison of different communication technology in the context of IoT. At the end of the chapter, the impact of 5G, 6G, and beyond 7G technologies have been discussed in the preface of IoT.
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A new generation of wireless mobile telecommunications technology appears every ten years or so. The usage of additional frequency bands, faster data rates, and new services characterize this evolution as it moves us closer to being able to connect essentially the entire physical universe. A tool that sends real-time data across geographic, cultural, linguistic, and temporal barriers is known as the Internet as explained by Guevara and AuatCheein (2020). By connecting numerous devices to the internet, people can easily connect with each other online and improve their quality of life Prinima et al. (2016). In the past, 4G had a lot of problems with mobile internet and users had to deal with ambiguities and Internet Protocol instability. The subscribers are not satisfied with 4G, and the industry looking to improve the network latency with 5G and 6G expands the industries in all things in terms of the low network latency and high reliability. As when the physical world would be connected through the internet it would ease the life of people. Also, people could commute using the Internet Gupta and Jha (2015). Several aspects of our daily lives have been made better thanks to the internet, including health monitoring, home appliance control, R&D, science, smart manufacturing, tourism, entertainment, mass communication, and more. IoT technology is used in almost 200 nations for data, information, news, and opinion exchange Sawanobori (2016). Automating and improving human existence is the ultimate purpose of IoT. Figure 1 depicts a rough layout of the digital transition from 6G to 7G and the rapid growth of telecommunications technology across all industrial partners and IT marketing in the telecommunications sector.

The global scope of the Internet of Things' applications is expanding. Now, a wide range of devices, including smartphones, intelligent vehicles, and a variety of other devices, can all share data through the Internet 5G-PPP (2020). Wireless communication is supported by 3G, which also improved 2G and 2. After 3G is upgraded to 4G and 5G, it is utilized for edge networks, fast data transport, and improved voice control. For video conferencing and long-term testing (LTE), 4G is upgraded to 5G, which is currently operational. The personal and social dimensions encompass the following application domains: An essential component of the internet is networking Samsung 5G Vision (2015). For example, a vehicle outfitted with the Internet of Things (IoT) technology will not only assist drivers by giving maps, but will also provide real-time in-formation, but will also provide instructions and propose the best routes to reach the location Zanella et al. (2014). In the year 1999/2000 once SIM card inserted, then 3G running inside mobile and it supported MAN, it became a popular network service in IoT and provides a more prominent way to establish calls and this technology enables people to communicate with each other as well to access data in limited access with more charges levied by the service providers, all these things in IoT recognizedas the ‘thing/object’ Nassar et al. (2017). In Yan et al. (2020), the author discussed 4G, 5G, 6G and 7G impact on IoT enabled applications. The IoT revolution with emerging communication technologies has been discussed by the author in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Evolution from 5G to 6G and jump to 7G


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