The Critical Success Factors of Metaverse Adoption in Education: From the Consumer Behaviour Perspective

The Critical Success Factors of Metaverse Adoption in Education: From the Consumer Behaviour Perspective

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7029-9.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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Metaverse is considered one of the platforms that can be used for teaching and learning in higher education. In order to develop, adopt, and use an innovative application or system, the critical success factors are crucial. Consumer behaviours and adoption are crucial to the development of a proposed system based on the metaverse in order to improve the system's usefulness. Consequently, the goal of this study is to evaluate various theories, models, and previous research related to the innovation adoption in order to draw conclusions about the critical success factors for the adoption of the metaverse in education and consumer intention to use.
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Critical success factors (CSFs) are the few major areas of activity in which good results are necessary for a specific individual or institution to reach its goals (Bullen & Rockart, 1981). CSFs are the restricted number of areas in which acceptable results will guarantee successful competitive performance for the individual, institution, or organization. CSFs are often the selected crucial issues on which a management or organization should concentrate their efforts. The phrase “important success factors” is carefully chosen in light of this. They portray the few key “factors” that are “critical” to the “success” of the institution concerned. It is crucial to identify the CSFs that will have the most impact on whether the organization’s goals are achieved. However, the environment might alter sometimes, and certain issues or possibilities may present themselves for a certain firm. Consequently, it is important to grasp what CSFs are not in this context. They are not a special set of measures, sometimes known as “key indicators,” which can be applied to all divisions of an institution, company, or organization. CSFs are the areas of major value to a particular system, in a specific division, at a particular point in time (Bullen & Rockart, 1981).

A metaverse platform is a crucial resource for enhancing learners' immersion and motivation. It gives them the chance to think critically about the use of cutting-edge teaching methods and get first-hand knowledge of self-directed learning. Moreover, Farjami et al. (2011), Han (2020), and Kanematsu et al. (2013) showed the importance of employing the metaverse system in many academic domains throughout the world. The goal of these experiments was to develop real-world scenarios in which the metaverse system is used to find answers to problems. This demonstrates the necessity for a conceptual model to be created that can explain to pupils the vital role the metaverse system plays. The conceptual model is required to assess the effectiveness and adoption of the metaverse system by concentrating on consumers’ perceptions from a particular angle (Alfaisal et al., 2022a). In order to propose a proper conceptual model for assessing metaverse adoption among consumers and to consumers’ behavioural intention, identifying the success factors are required (Ezimmuo & Keikhosrokiani, 2022; Humida et al., 2021; Keikhosrokiani, 2020a, 2022b; Keikhosrokiani, Mustaffa, Zakaria, & Baharudin, 2019). Furthermore, to develop a proper system based on metaverse, consumer adoption and behaviour are very important to increase the usability of the system. Therefore, this study aims to review different theories, models, and existing studies related to the adoption of innovations to conclude the critical success factors of metaverse adoption in education and consumer behavioural intention to use.

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