The Automated Fire Safety Integration System With Digital Twin Technology Using Sensors

The Automated Fire Safety Integration System With Digital Twin Technology Using Sensors

C. N. S. Vinoth Kumar, R. Naresh, S. Senthil Kumar, Madhurya Mozumder, Amish Agarwal
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1818-8.ch016
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The integrated fire safety management system incorporates modules that are able to detect, report, monitor, and mitigate fire disasters in the place where it is installed. The system comprises four modules, one to detect the presence of fire, one to investigate the cause of the fire to be a short circuit, one to monitor the condition of the place that can be installed in the user's mobile, and lastly, the fire extinguishing robot that is able to detect the fire and extinguish it locally. The proposed system is able to control that damage to a great extent. This system can be used in schools, office spaces, and hotels where the immediate response to a fire is of utmost importance.
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2. Literature Survey

The literature taken into consideration for the implementation of the system comprised the works of various researchers who have worked towards the development of an automated firefighting system. (Nemchinov, S. G et al., 2022) talk about the process of incorporating the robotic system into the fire-fighting unit. But a major drawback that was observed was the process of intercommunication between the units of the robotic device. This intercommunication can be brought about by using various communication modules like ESP8266. (V. P. Nazarov D, et al., 2021) outlines the safety measures that need to be taken while dealing with the development of fire resistance technologies. The fire extinguishing systems have to be made fireproof by themselves as it gets exposed to fire. The systems that already exist are underequipped and need to be monitored in certain scenarios. (Kanth et al., 2017) deals with the development of an intelligent fire-fighting robotic system. The system aims to develop an autonomous system that can navigate through obstacles to reach the point of fire. (L.D. et al., 2021) outline the process of avoiding obstacles in the path of the autonomous robot. The major part of successfully navigating the obstacles in the path involves having an efficient mapping of the path from the source of the robotic device to the point of the occurrence of fire (Prabhu & Ramkumar, 2020). According to the research of we have found out the importance of the locomotion of the fire extinguishing device and how it relates to the ability of the device to navigate through the terrain (Sakthipriya & Naresh, 2022). From the research of (Ono & Da Silva., 2000), we can gather information on the fires that happen in enclosed spaces and how to deal with them (MS et al., 2016). It is of major importance to research the ways to deal with fires that happen in enclosed spaces like rooms because it is important to decide upon the ways to extinguish the fire on the basis of the nature of the fire and the hydrant to be used (F. Akyildiz et al., 2001).

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