The AI Application in Cybersecurity

The AI Application in Cybersecurity

Kiranbhai Dodiya, Dipak Kumar Mahida, Ankita Patel, Kapil Kumar
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7110-4.ch002
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The 21st century is a century of technology. With the increase of new technology, life becomes easy, but as no technology is 100% safe and secure, every technology has some drawbacks. Information technology and cyber security are frequently used interchangeably. Nowadays, national and global security is at risk due to the world's growing reliance on a robust but vulnerable internet and the disruptive powers of cyber attackers. Various security agencies and cyber security researchers prepare the patch and prevention methods for detecting cybercrime, but it's not the proper solution for all types of cybercrime. The existential values of artificial intelligence led to a solution to many problems of cyber security. The main objective of the use of artificial intelligence in cyber security is to enhance the detection of the rate of cybercrime. Another application of artificial intelligence in cybersecurity is to improve the resistance and response to cyber-attacks.
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1. Introduction

Computer networks and information technology solutions are vital to all sectors of our society, from the government to the economy to crucial infrastructure. Cybersecurity is a technique, methodology, and practice that safeguards those networks, devices, processes, and data against attacks, damage, or unwanted access. Due to the rapid expansion of computer networks, cyberattacks have increased dramatically. Now cybersecurity has emerged as one of the most critical issues in cyberspace (Morovat & Panda, 2020).

Conventional security methods that are employed to safeguard networks and devices rely on static security system control and work in response to an attack. For example, in the case of a network intrusion attack, security systems scan nodes based on a predefined set of rules. These approaches take a long time to get notified of an attack. The traditional strategy, however, is no longer effective in light of the increasing number of cyberattacks. Additionally, attackers frequently carry out attacks before software developers are aware of the vulnerabilities by using emerging threat techniques like APTs (advanced persistent threats) and zero-day attacks; as a result, it takes some time to patch the vulnerable systems. The proliferation of personal data online undoubtedly contributes to several cybersecurity issues. The only way to secure data in the chaotic world of today, where cyberattacks occur often and are continuously changing, is by utilizing robust cyber tactics. AI-based methods are one solution to these problems. Artificial intelligence (AI) incorporates intelligence and can process massive volumes of data while performing real-time analysis and decision-making (Morovat & Panda, 2020).

1.1 Types of AI

AI can be classified into various type on the bases of their capability and functionality. On bases of capabilities there are three types of AI which are discussed in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Types of AI on the bases of their capabilities


1.1.1 Narrow AI or Weak AI

Narrow AI is the most prevalent and radially available AI which is intelligent enough to carry out certain task but it is only taught for a single job, it cannot accomplish tasks outside of its domain or set of constraints. As a result, it is often known as weak AI. If narrow AI exceeds its bounds, it may fail in unexpected ways. Apple Siri is a good example of narrow AI.

1.1.2 General AI

The goal of general AI is to create a system that is intelligent enough to think like a person on its own. Therefore, General AI is developed as capable of doing any intellectual job as effectively as a human. Since there is currently no system that falls under general AI that can carry out every work as well as a person. As generic AI systems are still being researched, it will take a long time and many resources to construct such systems.

1.1.3 Super AI

Super AI is a degree of system intelligence where computers are capable of outperforming people in any task due to their cognitive abilities. It results from general AI. Super AI includes ability to think, reason, solve puzzles, make decisions, plan, learn, and communicate on its own, among other vital traits. Super AI is currently only an ideal idea in the world of artificial intelligence. Real-world implementation of such systems is still a challenging endeavour.

On the bases of functionality, AI can be divided into four types which are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Types of AI on the bases of their functionalities


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