Technology Disruption in the Time of the Digital Ecosystem Society's Adoption: Cyber Bullying Phenomenon -- The Truth or Hoax?

Technology Disruption in the Time of the Digital Ecosystem Society's Adoption: Cyber Bullying Phenomenon -- The Truth or Hoax?

Desi Setiana, Siti Norsarah, Norainna Besar, Tiro Anna, Marlina Nasution, Heru Susanto
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8524-5.ch013
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The internet and technologies are revolving around the world today. Most of the people around this world have access to the internet easily nowadays; it can lead to a most common and dangerous problem, which is cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is considered as a crime which usually occurs among the young people. Cases from cyberbullying have shown that there is a growing significantly which is becoming a worrying topic for the societies to be aware of. This study revealed cyberbullying teen actors involved within the area of Jakarta. The result is very interesting. Parents play a vital role to the teens as they will become a support for them (actor and victim) and also peer groups give the high impact of the actors to conduct cyberbullying to another group. Much cyberbullying happens for the same reasons as any other form of bullying. Generally, the cyber bullies act in such manner due to them being insecure, to gain popularity, social pressure, and jealousy as well as personal grudges.
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As internet keeps getting bigger and more accessible to the people, it produces both good impact and negative impact. These negative impacts are growing threats for the teenagers especially in terms of cyberbullying over the last decade alone. Despite frequent attempt to reduce the chance of cyberbullying, the problem is still intact to this day. It shows that cyberbullying is not a problem or cause that cannot be taken lightly because its effect is somewhat dangerous to the societies. Most of cyberbullying occurs at school where the students mostly become victims. Imagine a classmate posting a photo of a student which is a victim via online. Then other classmates make mean and devastating comments about the photo. Finally, the photos will be shared virtually where thousands of people have seen it. This will be continuously viral which can lead to point where the picture is used as “meme” catch phrase without the victim’s consent. This report will discuss about the students; perception and actions towards cyberbullying which is separated into 3 different questions which are the actions when they witness the cyberbullying, the action taken by the students after being cyberbullied as well as their opinions about cyberbullying.

As it is similar to the concept of bullying, it will causes a significant emotional and psychological stress. In addition, cyberbullied children tend to have higher risks of psychosomatic problem than the bystander peers. The psychosomatic problem refers to disorder of individual’s mind and body. These cyberbullying can be very harmful to adolescents as it can lead them many negative impact that can affect their way of thinking as well as behaviors. Such impact is that they will feel overwhelmed because people in the whole world knew what is going on with the victims. The victims will feel humiliated and exposed to the world that it can become their trauma until the situation is out of control. Not only that, it is not done by one person only and lots of teens will participating in the cyberbullying. Hence, we do not know the real identity who is the mastermind that can lead to suspicion among peers. Other than that, they will feel powerless and have hard time feeling safe because the cyberbullying has no such boundaries due to future technology. Even at home, they can invade through the computer and phone at any time and there no escaping it. Finally, it changes the behavior of victims to negative side. Such as the student want to avoid school in order to avoid the bullies and feel safe. However, this can lead to high school absenteeism rate. They feel too embarrassed to see their peers as the cyberbullies put shame them on internet. Unable to study in peace and persistent in bullying may cause drop out of school (Chen et al., 2019; Mohiddin & Susanto, 2021; Mohiddin et al., 2021; Susanto et al (2018).

Problem Statement and Significance of the Study

As a modern form of bullying, cyberbullying happens in ordinary routine life as quickly as it does when victims of cyberbullying check their mobile phones, laptops or email. Unfortunately, the victims and those around them may be unaware of the early signs and other factors associated with cyberbullying that can occur in various ways. This paper is designed to understand better cyberbullying, which is becoming more prevalent due to the advancement of the digital ecosystem in this constantly changing environment. Moreover, This study sought to answer the following research questions: (1) How does the constant use of social media contribute to cyberbullying? (2) What are the many methods of cyberbullying used? (3) What are the significant impacts of cyberbullying on the victims and perpetrators? (4) What are the strategies to prevent cyberbullying?


The main objective of this research paper is to reveal cyberbullying phenomenon in time of technology Disruption in Asian Societies that occurs over a destructive digital ecosystem among teens. Therefore, to understand the research paper, the followings are the specific objectives of the research: (1) To analyse the use of social media contributing to cyberbullying; (2) To identify the common methods of cyberbullying; (3) To assess the impacts of cyberbullying from the perspectives of victims and perpetrators;

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