Technology-Based Gamification in the Classroom: An Application to Production Management Teaching

Technology-Based Gamification in the Classroom: An Application to Production Management Teaching

Eloísa Díaz-Garrido, María Luz Martín-Peña, Cristina García-Magro
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4441-2.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter describes the process of designing, developing, and implementing a gamification strategy in a Production Management course. The online tool Genially was used for this purpose. The strategy of using gamification as a learning method allows students not only to acquire and enhance their learning but also to develop competencies and capabilities such as problem solving, teamwork, communication, information management, and critical thinking. It also incentivizes learning self-regulation in an attractive way, thanks to the potential of games to influence the behavior and motivation of students. This chapter lists the steps required to develop and implement gamification in the classroom, describes the implementation of gamification in a specific course, and discusses the results of the experience.
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In recent years, the framework of the European Space for Higher Education (ESHE) has encouraged the application of teaching and learning methodologies that reinforce student motivation, creativity, participation, and autonomy in learning (De la Herrán-Gascón, 2005). One such technique is gamification. This active teaching and learning methodology is committed to changing student behavior through the mechanics of games in non-playful contexts. This approach uses a game-based scenario to make students actively involved in the learning process (González-González and Mora-Carreño, 2014).

The application of gamification techniques in higher education is an effective way to encourage intrinsic motivation by offering an attractive learning process. Games have the potential to influence student behavior and help students to achieve educational goals.

The possibilities offered by technological development have encouraged the use of online supports and tools as a resource for the implementation of gamified systems (Ocampo, 2016; Oliva, 2017; Rodríguez, 2018, among others). The technological equipment does not guarantee the desired changes in the formation of the new generations (Saura et al., 2022), thus the implementation of gamification requires the correct identification of suitable game elements because good design decisions are critical for gamification success (García-Magro et al., 2019).

Despite all this, we have not been identified papers that provide the complete development of a useful gamified experience to help students acquire generic and specific competencies. To cover this gap, the aim of this chapter is to describe the design, development, and implementation of a gamification strategy using Genially, a technological tool designed for this purpose. An example is described, namely the gamification of several units of a Production Management course taught in the second year of a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management. The chapter has the following specific aims:

  • Define the steps of the gamification process (design a protocol).

  • Design the gamification techniques (dynamics, mechanics, and components of the game in the form of challenges) used in the course.

  • Analyze the outcomes following this experience.

Regarding the design of gamification techniques, use of the Spanish-based technological tool Genially enabled “the creation of interactive content to improve presentation, teaching, marketing and dissemination tasks” (González and Gómez 2020, p. 24). Genially offers an immense range of resources to create a dynamic, interactive environment, and it is ideal for designing the challenges involved in a gamified system.

The originality and value of the present chapter lies in the fact that, using a technological tool like Genially, we design and implement a gamification strategy in Higher Education, getting influence the behavior and motivation of students to help them achieve competences. In addition, we provide the teaching community with the complete development of a gamified experience that can be used as a reference for future teachers who wish to implement this type of experience in the classroom.

The remainder of this chapter is structured as follows. First, we present the main background. Secondly, we describe the experience design. Second, we provides the results. Finally, conclusions, theoretical and practical implications, as well as limitations of the present chapter are identified.



Subjects with a practical part consisting of exercises and problems based on applying theory and concepts have often been taught using traditional teaching methods. These traditional methods generally involve individually resolving problems by a given deadline. The result of these methods is a low level of interaction with students, and they provide little motivation.

The subject of Production Management studies the functional area of production in industrial firms through the major strategic and tactical decisions made in this area. It is highly practical. As part of the Production Management course considered in this chapter, students must resolve a series of exercises and problems within each unit. The traditional approach is to use an exercise book and multiple-choice questions that students must answer once they have studied the unit. In other words, the subject has traditionally been taught using teaching and learning methods based on individual student learning and lectures.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Game Components: The structure of the game: points and leaderboard.

Gamification: An active teaching and learning methodology that uses the mechanics of game in non-game context.

Mechanics of the Game: The rules of the game.

Gamification Techniques: Its design includes defining dynamics, mechanics, and components of the game.

Game Dynamics: The general objective of the gamified system. They refer to the objective of the game.

Competencies: The desired knowledge, skills, and capabilities of a student.

Genially: A technological tool that enables the creation of interactive content.

Production Management Course: A subject that studies the functional area or production in industrial firms.

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