Technologies and Applications of Sensors in Waste Treatment Systems

Technologies and Applications of Sensors in Waste Treatment Systems

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-6016-3.ch007
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This chapter provides a comprehensive exploration of the integration of sensor technologies and advanced systems in waste treatment processes. It elucidates the pivotal role of sensors in facilitating real-time monitoring, data-driven decision-making, and optimized operations within various waste treatment domains. The chapter delves into the different types of sensors employed, such as physical, chemical, optical, and biosensors, along with their integration methods and applications across wastewater treatment, solid waste management, and hazardous waste treatment sectors. Case studies are presented to highlight successful implementations of sensor-enabled solutions in real-world scenarios. Additionally, the chapter examines emerging trends, including advanced sensor technologies, artificial intelligence, internet of things (IoT) integration, and sustainable approaches that leverage sensor data for waste valorization and resource recovery. Challenges and considerations, such as sensor reliability, data management, regulatory compliance, and cost-benefit analysis, are also discussed to provide a well-rounded perspective on the subject.
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2. Overview Of Sensor Technologies In Waste Treatment Systems

Sensors play a crucial role in waste treatment systems by providing real-time data on various process parameters, enabling effective monitoring, control, and optimization. This section provides an overview of the different types of sensors commonly employed in waste treatment systems, as well as the integration methods and data acquisition techniques used to leverage sensor data effectively.

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