Technological Transformation in Hospitality Industry: An Overview

Technological Transformation in Hospitality Industry: An Overview

Kiran Shashwat, Monika Rani
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0650-5.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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Technology in the hospitality sector represents the convergence of innovation and service in a sector dedicated to delivering outstanding visitor experiences. Fundamentally, the goal of technology in the hospitality industry is to close the gap between traditional principles of hospitality and today's expectations of customization at all the spectrums of hospitality operations. The development of environmentally friendly and sustainable technology solutions has also improved the hospitality industry. The industry's carbon footprint is decreased through using energy-efficient technology, waste management techniques, and digital documentation. This chapter aims to review various effects of technology and its transformations on the hospitality industry. This chapter also focuses on the substantial transformation in hospitality sector with the advent of technology integration for enhancing operational effectiveness of businesses and smooth customer's experience with the sustainable approach towards its resources.
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Elements Of The Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry is a vast and diverse sector that includes a wide range of enterprises and amenities aimed

  • Accommodation

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