Technological Innovations in Tourism Businesses: A Study on Contemporary Trends

Technological Innovations in Tourism Businesses: A Study on Contemporary Trends

Pramendra Singh, Disha Sharma
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6732-9.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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Technological innovations are bringing major breakthroughs and radical changes in the way businesses function. These technological innovations are helping all the industries to smooth their functions and provide better experiences to the customers. The tourism industry is also witnessing tremendous improvements in technological innovations. The chapter aims to study the different types of technologies that have emerged in recent times in tourism businesses. This study is conceptual in nature and uses various secondary sources for data collection along with the study of various cases to comprehend the usage of technology. The study concludes in supporting the statement made by world's largest and nodal tourism organization, United Nations World Tourism Organization, that technology and digitization are emerging, disrupting, and affecting our lives in such a way that augurs the begging of the next generation industrial revolution.
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Tourism: The Global Phenomena

During the pandemic period the hospitality tourism industry has taken a major beating, we found airlines grounded, train wheels stopping, and empty hotels with a lot of people being laid off during the pandemic (Lai & Nepal, 2006). We have our spate of lockdowns though some countries are somehow still under its shadow, brought to us the technological innovation. Thus, the focus of technological innovation is to count on capitalizing on new opportunities in the market. Technological innovations are always looking at new horizons and what’s coming next (Buckley, 2006).

As the number of who travel increases, previously unexplored tourist attractions become more popular. Between 1995 and 2015, the number of tourists increased almost 15 times on average. The trend in global tourism is based on the working of tourism machinery working to travel more, visit more, and spend a bit more (Najda-Janoszka & Kopera, 2014). Tourism has literally exploded the regions and countries all around the world had identified tourism as a driver of employment and of economic growth. This simply means that the number of visitors at any given point in time is directly proportional to the flow of money into the destination resulting in better-off the citizen and economic growth. This simplifies the equation that the more visitors will come the more money the destination will generate and by that logic the destinations that attracted the most visitors were the most successful destinations. These destinations are the real winners and are often called bucket list destinations (Labanauskaitė, Fiore, & Stašys, 2020).

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