Technological Collaboration, Challenges, and Unrestricted Research in the Digital Twin: Digital Twin Technology

Technological Collaboration, Challenges, and Unrestricted Research in the Digital Twin: Digital Twin Technology

Syed Ibad Ali, Mohammad Shahnawaz Shaikh, Sivaram Ponnusamy, Prithviraj Singh Chouhan
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3234-4.ch028
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A new idea that has drawn the interest of academics and business in recent years is called digital twin technology. Its expansion has been made easier by the developments in industry 4.0 concepts, especially in the manufacturing sector. Although it is heavily designed, the digital twin is the most defined as the smooth transfer of data in either way between a virtual and real machine. Present are the difficulties, uses, and enabling technologies related to digital twins, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things (IoT). A review of works on digital twins is conducted, resulting in a classification of current studies. They have been classed by the review according to three research topics: manufacturing, healthcare, and smart cities. A variety of publications reflecting these fields and the present status of research have been discussed in this chapter.
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