Teacher-Psychologist Professional Competence: Key to Effective Services

Teacher-Psychologist Professional Competence: Key to Effective Services

Alexander V. Morozov, Andrey P. Chebakov, Galina N. Yulina, Lyudmila V. Novikova
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1826-3.ch015
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The chapter emphasizes the importance of enhancing teachers-psychologists' professional competence within the juvenile social rehabilitation system. It justifies specialization choices during intra-corporate training, detailing content, procedures, and technologies for psychological and pedagogical professionalization. The chapter also supports a methodology and technology for forging a cohesive socio-psychological and pedagogical team within minor rehabilitation centers, aiding psychological and pedagogical specialist development. Particularly crucial in rural, small-town, and single-industry settings, where professional growth opportunities are limited. Viewing professional development as self-realization fosters functional competence, acquiring extra expertise, and motivating psychologists for continuous growth, vital for rehab success. A structured approach integrating additional professional education and social rehabilitation into teachers-psychologists' competence development enhances their effectiveness, thereby elevating social and psychological service quality.
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2. Review Of Literature And Sources

In 2017, the Russian child population was 29.8 million, of which 449,383 children needed social protection and assistance. Thirty-eight thousand two hundred nine people were deprived or restricted in their parental rights in 2017, and the problem regions in this direction were: Krasnoyarsk territory – 1,652 people, Sverdlovsk region – 1,439 people, Perm region – 1,388 people. One should note that chronic alcoholism or drug addiction is not a common cause, for example, in 2017, among the regions with the highest indicator for this section, the Altai territory and the Moscow region recorded 177 cases of deprivation of parental rights due to alcoholism or drug addiction of parents. Therefore, the remaining share of cases falls on other reasons related to the social and psychological problems mentioned above. The main reason for recognizing children as orphans in 2018 was the courts' deprivation or restriction of parental rights. Only 24% of children were left without parental care as a result of the death of their parents or the only one of them. In 2018, 48,290 children left without parental care were identified, although this is 2.5% less than in 2017. However, beyond these statistics, there are children who need social protection and assistance, do not have the status of left without care, but are nevertheless in a difficult life situation and socially dangerous situation (Charitable Foundation “Nuzhna pomoshch' [Need Help]”, n.d.).

Legal and social orphanhood harms the formation and development of the individual. Social rehabilitation centers serve both those who are left without parental care and those minors who have parents but do not receive proper family education and guardianship. As a result of physical and psychological violence, including neglect of the child's needs, children are removed or leave their families independently. Minors perceive and subsequently reproduce abnormal patterns of relationships and behavior (Morozov, 2006).

Often, deviations in the mental development of center students require the development of measures to correct their personality formation violations. For five years, minors were observed entering the reception departments of social rehabilitation centers for the first time. Observations were made in the field of socio-psychological adaptation of these children when placed in the center, since this process is associated with determining the status of an individual who is forced to develop new behaviors, having fallen into new microsocial conditions. The researcher chose the most appropriate method of studying socio-psychological adaptation – directed observation. To identify minors who are maladapted to the conditions of the pedagogical process, we used the schemes of observation and data generalization on B. D. Karvasarsky (Karvasarsky, 2002).

To some extent, a subjective indicator that reflects the child's satisfaction with social and psychological services is his emotional state, the criterion for social and psychological adaptation to the process of resocialization and being in the center is the nature of the child’s behavior in various areas of his life in a social protection institution. The success of social contacts and the child's emotional well-being are the criteria for the success of socio-psychological adaptation at this stage.

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