Teacher Preparation in Computer Science Pre-Service and Inservice Programs

Teacher Preparation in Computer Science Pre-Service and Inservice Programs

Wykeshia W. Glass, Desiree G. Hickman, Calvin M. Reaves
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4739-7.ch007
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In order to create an effective 21st century classroom that engages and meets the needs of students, teachers must be knowledgeable of what motivates students to learn and how technology plays a critical role in his/her instruction. Due to the limited exposure of computer science education in the mainstream P-16 curriculum, only a small portion of students from public schools go on to careers in technology. The purpose of this chapter was to examine how teacher preparation programs and districts can better prepare pre-service and inservice teachers with experiences and professional development opportunities to equip them with the tools to effectively and efficiently teach in P-16 classroom settings. As a result, not only school districts but colleges of education must begin to develop and plan for the uses of computer related technologies for its educators.
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There has been a growing interest as well as an important discussion on how to broaden participation in computing and integrate computer science education into K-12 classrooms in the United States (e.g. Franklin, 2015; National Research Council, 2011; Resnick et al., 2009). Computer science education at K-12 level is not only critical for its potential to provide a pathway to a good array of careers, but also important for students to gain 21st century skills like critical thinking, problem analysis, and design of solutions (Grover & Pea, 2013). Recent efforts to breach the chasm between computer science and the mainstream K-12 curriculum are generating publicity and increasing awareness (Code.Org, 2016). In the United States parents, teachers, and students are expressing a growing interest in computer science, as reflected in the numbers of students participating in the “Hour of Code” sponsored by Code.Org (Code.Org, 2016). The success of “Hour of Code” shines a bright light on the CS education reform landscape. According to Code.Org (2016), since its release in 2014, the K-8 courses from Code.Org have been used in more than 31,000 classrooms worldwide. Lesson materials available through Code.Org are designed to emphasize fundamental computer science skills outlined in the CSTA K12 Standards, such as computational thinking and algorithm development; community, global and ethical impacts; computer programming, pair programming, and computer engineering and communications (Code.Org, 2016). Despite the sustained effort to raise awareness through the “Hour of Code” computer science continues to occupy a marginal place in the K-12 curriculum in the United States (Code.Org, 2016).

Computer science is no longer seen as an option for student electives, but more so, as a basic skill for all P-16 education. As stated by President Obama in 2016, “Our economy is rapidly shifting, and both educators and business leaders are increasingly recognizing that computer science (CS) is a ‘new basic’ skill necessary for economic opportunity and social mobility” (The White House, 2016). In addition to being considered as a basic skill for students, leaders in the industry have increased their demand for current and future employees to possess computer science related skills. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has projected that from 2016 to 2026 there will be a 13 percent growth in computer and information technology systems, which is faster than average across all occupations (The White House, 2016). Based on this outlook, it is imperative that today’s K-12 students are given the opportunity to build a foundation of computational science skills so they are better prepared for future opportunities (Grover & Pea, 2013; Lee, 2015; Pellegrino & Hilton, 2013; Wilson et al., 2010).

Many states are trying to increase computer science education opportunities for K-12 students. As of 2016, there were seven states that had adopted K-12 computer science standards, while eight additional states were in progress on standards (Stanton et al., 2017). As of October 2017, 10 states had K-12 computer science standards, and an additional 10 were working on developing standards (Patel, 2017). Furthermore, four states required all high schools to offer computer science (Texas, Arkansas, Virginia, West Virginia) (Stanton et al., 2017). Iowa, Arkansas, Nevada, Texas, and West Virginia require that computer science courses are offered and have adopted computer science standards (Code.org, 2017). Many other states, such as Colorado, are in the process of developing and adopting computer science standards and have hired state level computer science education support specialists (Code.org, 2017). The cities of Chicago and New York City require computer science credits for high school graduation (Code.org, 2017). Virginia has embedded computer science into content standards (Code.org, 2017). Since the 2018 State of Computer Science Education report was published, 33 states passed 57 new laws and regulations promoting computer science (Code.org, 2017). As we look forward to 2020, it is imperative to continue the bipartisan support and momentum we have seen for a subject that is critical to the success of all of our students (Code.org, 2017).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Scratch Software: Scratch is a simple programming environment designed primarily for children and adults to develop creativity and innovation games and interactive stories through a simple open source non-commercial scripting language that uses graphical objects instead of the complex codes that are commonly used in other programming languages (Yusuf, et al., 2010).

Hypertext Markup Language: ( HTML): Markup language that is used to structure and give meaning to web content, for example, defining paragraphs, headings, and data tables, or embedding images and videos in the page (HTML, 2020).

Pre-Service Teachers: Pre-service teachers are those who are in a teacher-education program in order to pursue teaching credentials in public schools or private sectors domestically or internationally (Lee, 2015).

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): Language of style rules that is used to apply styling to HTML content, for example, setting background colors and fonts, and laying out content in multiple columns (Cascading Style Sheets, 2020).

JavaScript: JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex features on web pages such as displaying timely content updates, interactive maps, animated 2D/3D graphics, scrolling video jukeboxes, etc. (JavaScript, 2020).

Programming Language: Vocabulary and set of grammatical rules for instructing a computer or computing device to perform specific tasks (Beal, 2020).

Grails Software: An open source web application framework that uses the Apache Groovy programming language which is in turn based on the Java platform AU32: Anchored Object 1 . It is intended to be a high-productivity framework by following the “coding by convention” paradigm, providing a stand-alone development environment and hiding much of the configuration detail from the developer (Grails, 2020).

Toad Software: Database management toolset from Quest that database developers, database administrators and data analysts use to manage both relational and non-relational databases using SQL (Quest, n.d.).

Inservice Teachers: Hammad and Al-Bahbahani (2011) define in-service training as “training programs that include several methods aimed at updating teachers' knowledge by introducing them to the latest educational methods and teaching aids.

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