Tacit and Explicit Knowledge Types and Modalities to Align Interpretations

Tacit and Explicit Knowledge Types and Modalities to Align Interpretations

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 33
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1443-2.ch003
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The authors will measure the causes and effects in order to solve problems, and they will map out the decisions in order to realign ad hoc evaluation and reporting tools. The link between three explicit knowledge traits (conceptual, applied, and contextual) and three delivery platforms (face-to-face, video-based, and blended) is not something that is typically taken into consideration. Despite this, they believe that the face-to-face delivery platform is noteworthy for the conceptual and applied explicit knowledge features that it possesses. Additionally, it is of an engaging and instructive quality, but it was criticized for not being able to be reviewed. In terms of the explicit knowledge feature that required review for contextualization, technology-enabled, video-based, and blended learning are particularly noteworthy. However, these methods were hindered by video-viewing fatigue, which is caused by a gradual loss of motivation over time.
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