Systems Engineering: Driving Green Economy and Renewable Energy Transitions

Systems Engineering: Driving Green Economy and Renewable Energy Transitions

Alex Zárate, Analy Huanco
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1297-1.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter provides a synthesis of the key issues related to systems engineering and its contribution to the green economy and energy sustainability. It explores essential concepts in sustainable energy systems, renewable technologies, energy efficiency, and highlights global challenges in cooperation, emerging technologies, education, policy and regulations, and investment in sustainable infrastructure. Systems engineering consolidates its position as a fundamental pillar.
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1. Sustainable Energy Systems

This first section lays the groundwork for understanding the importance of systems engineering in the context of the transition to a green economy and the use of renewable energy. Sustainable energy systems engineering is essential to address today's challenges related to sustainability and climate change. In this section, the fundamental concepts related to sustainable energy systems engineering, design and optimization will be explored and concrete examples of successful projects will be provided.

1.1. Sustainable Energy Systems Engineering

Sustainable energy systems engineering is a multidisciplinary field that focuses on designing, developing and managing energy systems that are environmentally friendly, economically viable and socially acceptable. This area of study is critical to addressing global challenges related to sustainability and climate change by ensuring a reliable and clean energy supply for present and future generations.

1.1.1 Definition and Scope

Sustainable energy systems engineering encompasses a wide range of aspects, from energy generation and distribution to final energy consumption, and can be defined as the design, development, implementation and management of energy systems that minimize their environmental impact, optimize efficiency and ensure equitable and affordable access to energy.

1.1.2 Importance of Sustainability

Sustainability is a fundamental principle in sustainable energy systems engineering, involving the ability to meet current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This requires a balanced approach that takes into account the economic, environmental and social aspects of energy production and use.

1.1.3 Multidisciplinary Approach

Sustainable energy systems engineering is inherently multidisciplinary. Drawing on knowledge and techniques from diverse disciplines, including electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, economics, environmental science and public policy, this multidisciplinarity is essential to address the complexity of energy challenges and develop effective solutions.

1.1.4 Objectives of Sustainable Energy Systems Engineering

Key objectives of sustainable energy systems engineering include:

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions: A primary objective is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with power generation. This is achieved by transitioning to renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, and implementing carbon capture and storage technologies.

Promote energy efficiency: Improving efficiency at all stages of the energy chain, from production to consumption, is essential. This involves the development of efficient technologies and the adoption of appropriate energy management practices.

Ensure energy security: Ensuring a reliable and stable energy supply is fundamental. This implies diversifying energy sources and strengthening energy infrastructure.

Promote equity and universal access to energy: It is essential that all people have access to affordable and reliable energy services. This implies addressing the access gap in rural and disadvantaged areas.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Environmental Impact Assessment: A systematic process that evaluates the potential environmental effects of a project, plan or program prior to its implementation. It aims to identify, predict and assess impacts on the environment and propose measures to prevent, minimize or compensate for negative impacts. In other words, it seeks to ensure that development decisions are sustainable and respectful of the natural environment and nearby communities.

Sustainable Cities: Cities that are designed and planned to be socially, economically and environmentally sustainable in the long term. These cities seek to balance urban growth with environmental conservation, the quality of life of their inhabitants, and efficiency in the use of resources.

Sustainable Development: A comprehensive approach that seeks a balance between economic growth, social equity and environmental conservation to ensure a better future for present and future generations.

Sustainability: The ability to maintain a long-term balance between economic prosperity, social well-being and environmental health, so that the needs of the present generation are met without compromising the opportunities and resources of future generations.

Renewable Energy: Energy that comes from natural sources that are inexhaustible or constantly renewable, such as solar radiation, wind, water flow and geothermal heat. These natural sources are used to generate electricity, heat and other types of energy without depleting the underlying resources and with reduced environmental impact.

Environmental Education: A process that aims to create awareness and understanding of environmental issues, foster responsible attitudes towards the environment, and enable people to take actions and make informed decisions that contribute to the conservation and protection of the natural environment.

Green Economy: An economic approach that focuses on sustainable development, environmental conservation and responsible management of natural resources, with the aim of achieving equitable and sustainable economic growth.

Energy Efficiency: The ability to use the least amount of energy to carry out a specific task or process without sacrificing quality or the desired result. Energy efficiency seeks to optimize the use of energy resources to reduce energy consumption and minimize waste.

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