Synergizing Tradition and Technology by Exploring ChatGPT's Role in Enhancing Pathology Education for Traditional Chinese Medicine

Synergizing Tradition and Technology by Exploring ChatGPT's Role in Enhancing Pathology Education for Traditional Chinese Medicine

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9300-7.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
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The availability of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT has significantly changed current situations. In the previous chapters, the authors explained how ChatGPT succeeded in medical examinations. Therefore, it is the need of the time for teachers to incorporate ChatGPT in their teaching pedagogy. Although many professors oppose using ChatGPT in education and ask for a ban, the authors do not find that solution feasible in the longer run. It is human nature to abstain from innovations and adapt with time. The current chapter has attempted to find solutions for incorporating ChatGPT in teaching pathology. The teacher uses a rational approach to suggest some tips in case the reader does not want to adopt ChatGPT in teaching methods. The authors believe a mixed approach is better and more rational in using ChatGPT in pathology, particularly for students of traditional Chinese medicine who face difficulty with language and understanding Western medicine theories, which contrast with traditional Chinese medicine philosophy.
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Traditional Chinese medicine, as it persists in several East and Southeast Asian countries, has undergone significant changes (Ooi, 1993). Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete medical healthcare system encompassing acupuncture, acupressure, moxibustion, herbal medicine, diet, tui na massage, and exercises (tai chi and qigong), among other traditional therapies. It uses herbs and natural resources to produce traditional medicines and focuses on maintaining the balance between body and mind (Quoquab et al., 2023). Western medicine was first introduced to China in the 17th century. During the first two centuries, several different views on the future of TCM and the relationship between TCM and Western medicine emerged. Some advocated the 'complete westernization' of Chinese medicine, others favoured keeping it intact, whereas others recommended the 'digestion and assimilation of TCM and Western medicine'. Nowadays, more and more people realize that each medical tradition has its own merits and advise that the two systems should benefit from each other's strong points. In the 20th century, China maintained and developed three kinds of medical science: TCM, Western medicine, and 'integrated medicine'. Much has been achieved in clinical, experimental and theoretical research (KEJI & HAO, 2003). Therefore, students need to understand the western medicine subjects such as pathology. However, teaching Western medicine subjects to students with a language barrier is always challenging. The availability of ChatGPT has allowed students to learn and grasp knowledge quicker and faster. However, I am sceptical to see how to maintain students' critical thinking while allowing them to use ChatGPT. Therefore, I am presenting the chapter on incorporating ChatGPT in assessment.

Figure 1.

Yin and Yang of the body in traditional Chinese medicine

Source: Lee et al. (2016), Huang et al. (2018), Xu et al. (2018), and Yin Yang Theory (2023)

Etiology And Pathogenesis Of Disease

Global Health, Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria, has given details on Leishmaniasis. We can ask the student to read the details on a given website (; Leishmaniasis, 2020). The content from the website will help them to understand the basics. We then provide them with some questions where they can use ChatGPT to find their answers. The questions are given below.

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