Synergistic Symbiosis: Algae-AI Ecosystems for Smart Climate Stewardship

Synergistic Symbiosis: Algae-AI Ecosystems for Smart Climate Stewardship

Nobhonil Roy Choudhury, Debjeet Ghosh, Sneha De, Avijit Kumar Chaudhuri, Subhra Halder
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-6016-3.ch011
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The approach that has been proposed calls for setting up a concordant association between green development, natural frameworks, and counterfeit insights (AI). The essential thought is to utilize fake insights calculations to powerfully direct the development of specific strains of green growth for progressed carbon sequestration. This will be fulfilled by watching and responding to natural factors like light, temperature, and supplement levels. Moreover, the compromise of counterfeit insights with carbon capture and capacity development will be explored to advance carbon dioxide capture and capacity efficiency. The ponder moreover looks into how fake insights can be utilized to foresee how the environment will be influenced by green growth development and how assets will be dispersed. The potential generation of biofuels from developed green growth and the era of carbon credits will be inspected to decide the system's financial reasonability. The improvement of decentralized AI-powered green growth organizations that are versatile, adaptable, and strong in an assortment of natural and topographical settings is the essential objective. Ethical thoughts and normal impacts will be carefully tended to, with a complement on biodiversity, arrive utilized, and by and large organic impressions. The proposed approaches to community engagement emphasize the centrality of nearby association, mindfulness, and instruction for the effective usage of algae-AI biological systems and their long-term practicality. By joining computer-based insights and green development, this undertaking arranges to rename biological stewardship and deliver a distant coming to and dynamic procedure for diminishing the impacts of natural alter.
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2. Literature Review

The critical requirement for novel methodologies to combat climate alter has fuelled later inquiries about the crossing point of science and innovation. This study of the composing entireties up the thing is had a few critical mindfulness of joining computerized thinking (man-made insights) with green development as an extraordinary way to bargain with directing natural alter. It takes a gander at how man-made insights might upgrade environmental cycles and how green development may be utilized to sequester carbon.

2.1. As a Normal Carbon Sink, Green Growth

Minimizing carbon footprint (Onyeaka et al., 2021) comprehensive examination of green growth's innate capacity to sequester carbon is presented. Green development is an extraordinary choice for diminishing ozone-hugging substance spreads since it can hold and store carbon dioxide through photosynthesis.

2.2. Biofuel Creation From Green Development

Green growth has the potential to be a maintainable source of biofuel and carbon sinks, agreeing to inquire about it (Nayak et al., 2018). The survey examines the points of interest of algae-based biofuels over customary biofuel sources in terms of bringing down carbon outflows.

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