Synergies of Digital Twin Technology and AI: Future-Focused Innovations in Business

Synergies of Digital Twin Technology and AI: Future-Focused Innovations in Business

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1818-8.ch015
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This chapter explores the dynamic intersection of digital twin technology and artificial intelligence (AI) within the strategic landscape of forward-thinking businesses. As organizations increasingly embrace the potential synergy between these technologies, the chapter delves into their collaborative implementations, aiming to enhance operational efficiency and foster innovation. The study investigates the transformative impact of digital twin technology and AI on business processes, shedding light on emerging trends and future prospects. Through a comprehensive analysis of case studies and industry applications, this research aims to provide insights into the evolving landscape of technologically driven businesses poised for future success.
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2. Literature Survey

Certainly! Below is a hypothetical literature survey in tabular format on Digital Twin Technology and AI Implementations in Future-Focused Businesses spanning from 2019 to 2023. Please note that this is a general representation, and you should fill in the actual details based on your literature review:

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