Synchronous Hybrid E-Learning: Empirical Comparison with Asynchronous and Traditional Classrooms

Synchronous Hybrid E-Learning: Empirical Comparison with Asynchronous and Traditional Classrooms

Solomon Negash, Michelle Emerson, John Vandegrieft
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-150-6.ch019
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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An empirical analysis was conducted to compare synchronous hybrid e-Learning environment with traditional classrooms. Empirical study with 165 students from eight colleges at a large public university was used. The results show (1) contrary to prior research students taking unfamiliar subjects online, in synchronous format, were satisfied; (2) no statistical difference was found in student satisfaction between synchronous online and traditional face-to-face formats; and (3) overall satisfaction, measured by intent to us the same format again, found no statistical difference between the two formats.
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In this section we discuss the research background on hybrid e-Learning followed by how the six VLE dimensions differ when using synchronous VLE. We conclude this section with a discussion on the differences between synchronous and asynchronous VLEs.

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