Sustainable Practices for Green Computing and Digital E-Waste Management

Sustainable Practices for Green Computing and Digital E-Waste Management

K. R. Kalphana, K. Madu Mathi, A. Ranjithkumar, Sanchita Banerji, S. Anandakumar
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1794-5.ch010
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The chapter explores the integration of circular economy principles into digital operations, focusing on green computing and email waste management. Green computing uses eco-friendly technologies to reduce digital infrastructure's environmental footprint. It involves energy-efficient hardware, virtualization techniques, and cloud computing to reduce energy consumption, carbon emissions, and electronic waste. Email waste management is crucial to address digital waste, which contributes to carbon emissions, energy consumption, and resource depletion. Implementing email optimization, efficient storage practices, and behavioural interventions can help organizations mitigate environmental impacts while improving productivity and information management efficiency.
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Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in various industries due to environmental concerns and the need for responsible business practices. The rapid pace of technological advancement in the digital realm has increased the urgency of sustainability. The digital footprint of modern society is undeniable, from energy consumption to electronic waste disposal. The principles of the circular economy, which focus on regenerative and restorative practices, are essential for integrating into digital practices. This shift away from the traditional linear “take-make-dispose” model emphasizes waste minimization and resource reuse, aligning with sustainability goals(Raza et al., 2012).

The circular economy can be applied to green computing, which involves implementing eco-friendly technologies to reduce the environmental impact of digital infrastructure. This includes optimizing hardware design, adopting virtualization techniques, and leveraging cloud computing services. By embracing green computing, organizations can reduce their carbon footprint and energy consumption, while also achieving significant long-term cost savings. Sustainable digital practices go beyond hardware and infrastructure, focusing on managing digital resources and reducing digital waste. Email waste is a significant environmental issue, contributing to carbon emissions, energy consumption, and resource depletion. Implementing email optimization techniques and promoting efficient email management practices can minimize environmental footprints, improve productivity, and enhance information management efficiency, ultimately reducing the environmental impact of email usage(S. G. Paul et al., 2023).

The integration of circular economy principles into digital practices can drive innovation, improve competitiveness, and foster resilience. By designing products and services with durability, recyclability, and resource efficiency, businesses can reduce dependence on finite resources and mitigate supply chain disruption risks. Sustainable digital practices can also enhance brand reputation and stakeholder trust, as consumers increasingly scrutinize the environmental and social impact of brands. Sustainability is now a strategic imperative for businesses in the digital age. Integrating circular economy principles into digital practices can reduce environmental footprints, drive innovation, enhance competitiveness, and build a more resilient future. Recognizing the importance of sustainable digital practices and embracing them in all business operations is the first step towards sustainability(Saha, 2018).

The increasing use of digital technologies has led to a significant environmental footprint, necessitating the adoption of sustainable practices. Green computing, which combines sustainability and digital innovation, aims to mitigate the environmental impact of digital infrastructure. This approach includes energy-efficient hardware design, optimization of data centers, and the use of renewable energy sources. Green computing offers a holistic approach to reducing carbon emissions, conserving resources, and promoting environmental stewardship in the digital age, ensuring a circular economy mindset and minimizing ecological impact(Dhaini et al., 2021).

Sustainable digital practices involve managing digital resources and mitigating digital waste, particularly email waste. The daily volume of emails contributes to energy consumption, carbon emissions, and resource depletion. Implementing email waste management strategies and promoting efficient email management practices can minimize environmental footprints, optimize productivity, and improve information management efficiency(Maguluri et al., 2023). This approach goes beyond hardware and infrastructure, ensuring a more sustainable digital future. The circular economy framework promotes waste minimization and resource reuse, aligning with sustainability goals(Mohanty et al., 2023). By incorporating circular economy principles in green computing and email waste management, organizations can reduce environmental impact, drive innovation, enhance competitiveness, and foster long-term resilience, while also enhancing competitiveness(Saha, 2014). This paradigm shift is a significant shift towards a more regenerative approach to technology.

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