Sustainable Energy Supply for Decarboization of Direct Reduced Steel Manufacturing With Green Hydrogen

Sustainable Energy Supply for Decarboization of Direct Reduced Steel Manufacturing With Green Hydrogen

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 34
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0618-5.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Steel manufacturing is an important industry that requires modern technology to efficiently reduce carbon emissions and environmental effects while also supporting environmental sustainability in developing nations. Green steel production necessitates a transformative approach to industrial revolution and decarbonization routes rather than only small tweaks. Hydrogen enables cost-effective and environmentally friendly high-temperature heat decarbonization for the production of steel. In this study, the CO2 and other pollutants emissions were shrunk to 24.4 kg/year with adoption of renewable energy. In light of site potential and constraints, it is crucial to comprehend national aims of net zero emissions and intents for reforming the current industry. Qualitypower supply and electricity demand have long been a challenge for India's steel sector. In this study, the authors suggested a hybrid renewable energy-based decarbonization approach for the steel sector. Utilizing hydrogen in the production of steel lowers costs, boosts efficiency, and eliminates harmful emissions, aligning with sustainability and economic goals by substituting carbon-based fuels with a clean-burning energy source. By replacing carbon-based fuels with hydrogen, which burns cleanly and only produces water vapor, steel production's negative environmental impact is reduced along with its effectiveness.
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