Sustainable Developments of Human-Machine Interaction for Knowledge Discovery and Management: Healthcare and Agricultural Domains

Sustainable Developments of Human-Machine Interaction for Knowledge Discovery and Management: Healthcare and Agricultural Domains

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1186-8.ch023
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Human-machine interaction (HMI) is an important field in knowledge discovery and management, allowing for improved user engagement, decision-making, and efficiency. It involves user-centered design, information architecture, visualization, recommendation systems, collaborative filtering, machine learning, feature extraction, dimensionality reduction, clustering, classification, evaluation, validation, text mining, sentiment analysis, topic modelling, information extraction, opinion mining, and language generation. A case study in the healthcare and agricultural domains demonstrated the practical implementation of HMI in knowledge discovery and highlighted the positive impact of HMI approaches in addressing challenges specific to healthcare knowledge management. In conclusion, HMI plays a pivotal role in knowledge discovery and management, enabling users to effectively explore and extract valuable insights from complex datasets.
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The field of Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) focuses on the design, development, and study of systems and interfaces that facilitate interaction between humans and machines. HMI plays a crucial role in various domains, including knowledge discovery and management. Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) refers to the study, design, and implementation of interfaces and systems that facilitate communication and interaction between humans and machines. It encompasses the development of user-friendly interfaces, intuitive controls, and intelligent systems that enable effective collaboration and seamless integration between humans and technology. HMI involves understanding how humans interact with machines, including computers, software applications, robots, and other technological devices(Wittenberg, 2016). It aims to create user-friendly and efficient interfaces that enable effective communication and collaboration between humans and machines. The importance of HMI lies in its ability to enhance user experiences, improve productivity, and enable users to effectively utilize complex systems and technologies. By considering human capabilities, limitations, and preferences, HMI strives to design interfaces that are intuitive, engaging, and supportive of users' goals and tasks(Levin et al., 2000).

The evolution of HMI has been shaped by advancements in technology, ranging from early text-based interfaces to modern touchscreens, voice recognition, gesture control, and virtual reality. HMI has also been influenced by various disciplines, including human-computer interaction, cognitive psychology, design thinking, and user-centered design. Challenges in HMI include understanding user needs, preferences, and contexts of use, as well as designing interfaces that are accessible, inclusive, and adaptable to diverse users(Gorecky et al., 2014). Additionally, HMI must address issues of system reliability, data privacy, and ethical considerations, ensuring that interactions between humans and machines are secure, transparent, and trustworthy. Opportunities in HMI arise from emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, and augmented reality. These technologies offer new possibilities for creating intelligent and adaptive interfaces that can understand and respond to human intentions, preferences, and emotions(Mahmud et al., 2020).

In the context of knowledge discovery and management, HMI plays a vital role in enabling users to explore, analyze, and make sense of vast amounts of data. By providing intuitive visualizations, interactive search interfaces, and intelligent recommendation systems, HMI helps users discover insights, patterns, and relationships within data and supports effective decision-making and knowledge sharing. Thus, the field of HMI continues to evolve and expand, driven by the increasing complexity of technologies and the growing need for seamless and meaningful interactions between humans and machines(Jean-Michel Hoc, 2000; Wittenberg, 2016). By harnessing the power of HMI, we can unlock the full potential of knowledge discovery and management, empowering individuals and organizations to leverage data for innovation and informed decision-making. Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) in the context of industry refers to the communication and interaction between humans and machines within industrial environments. This interaction is critical for optimizing processes, increasing efficiency, and ensuring safety in various industries, including manufacturing, automation, transportation, healthcare, and more. HMI systems facilitate the exchange of information, control, and decision-making between humans and machines. Here are some key aspects related to HMI in the industrial setting:

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