A Survey on the Adoption and Usage of Broadband Internet

A Survey on the Adoption and Usage of Broadband Internet

Roya Gholami, John Lim, Sang-Yong Tom Lee
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-851-2.ch028
(Individual Chapters)
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In spite of the increasing significance of broadband Internet, there are not many research papers explicitly addressing issues pertaining to its adoption and postadoption. Previous research on broadband has mainly focused on the supply side aspect at the national level, ignoring the importance of the demand side which may involve looking more deeply into the use, as well as factors impacting organizational and individual uptake. In an attempt to fill this gap, the current study empirically verifies an integrated theoretical model comprising the theory of planned behavior and the IS continuance model to examine factors influencing broadband Internet adoption and postadoption behavior of some 1,500 organizations in Singapore. Overall, strong support for the integrated model has been manifested by our results, providing insight into influential factors. At the adoption stage, perceived behavioral control has the greatest impact on behavioral intention. Our findings also suggest that, as compared to attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control more significantly affect the broadband Internet adoption decision. At the postadoption stage, intention is no longer the only determinant of broadband Internet continuance; rather, initial usage was found to significantly affect broadband Internet continuance.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Broadband: Always on access, at work, at home or on the move provided by a range of fixed line, wireless and satellite technologies to progressively higher bandwidths capable of supporting genuinely new and innovative interactive content, applications and services and the delivery of enhanced public services(Sawyer et al., 2003).

Operationalization: The process of measurement development or operationalization involves rules for assigning numbers to objects to represent quantities of attributes (Nunnally, 1978). The operationalization of variables requires the development of a statement or statements that specify the activities or operations used to measure a variable.

Structural Equation Modeling: Structural equation modeling, an integral tool in both managerial and academic research, is a statistical method useful when one dependent variable becomes an independent variable in subsequent dependence relationships (Hair et al., 1995). It provides a straightforward method of dealing with multiple relationships simultaneously while providing statistical efficiency. All structural equation modeling techniques are distinguished by their ability to estimate multiple and interrelated dependence relationships and account measurement error at the same time. It is an important tool for studying causal models (Fornell, 1982; Fornell et al., 1981).

Survey: A survey is a way of going from observations to theory validation. The common objective for using this approach is to determine the relationship between constructs as a way of making sense of behavior surrounding and involving IS. In positivist research, surveys are particularly useful in determining the actual values of variables under study, and the strengths of relationships among them (Newsted et al., 1996).

Content validity: Content validity is representativeness or sampling adequacy of the measure. It refers to the extent to which a test represents the universe of items from which it is drawn (Salkind, 2000). The measurement has content validity when its contents (e.g., questions) adequately represent the construct it measures.

ICT: The term ICT is used to refer generically to the family of related technologies that process, store and transmit information by electronic means. The term IT is narrower and is used to denote computer, software and related technologies not including communications and network technologies, but the boundary between the two is increasingly blurred (OECD, 2004).

Satisfaction: Satisfaction is individuals’ feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing their perceptions of a product or service’s performance to their expectation levels.

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