Survelliance of Type I and II Diabetic Subjects on Physical Characteristics: IoT and Big Data Perspective in Healthcare@NCR, India

Survelliance of Type I and II Diabetic Subjects on Physical Characteristics: IoT and Big Data Perspective in Healthcare@NCR, India

Rohit Rastogi, Devendra Kumar Chaturvedi, Parul Singhal
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3111-2.ch016
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With the advancement of computation power and internet revolution, IoT, big data, and cloud computing have become the most prevalent technologies in present time. Convergence of these three technologies has led to the development of new opportunities and applications which solve the real time problems in the most efficient way. Though cloud computing and big data have an inherent connection between them, IoT plays a major role of a data source unit. With the explosion of data, cloud computing is playing a significant role in the storage and management. However, the main concern that accompanies IoT are the issues related to privacy, security, power efficiency, computational complexities, etc. Misinterpretation of data and security limitations are the bottlenecks of big data whereas the limitations of cloud computing involve network connection dependency, limited features, technical issues, and security. The chapter considers use cases to address their real time problems and discusses about how to solve these issues by combining these technologies.
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Literature Survey

Yu Liu et al (2015), proposed an approach in medical monitoring system to deliver an application that runs based on the IoT and Cloud Computing technology based on the hospital information system. Zainab Alansari et al (2018) faced lots of Challenges during IoT and Big Data Integration. Different data analysis, Business intelligence and analytical applications that are emerging today help the industries and organizations in transforming their business to improve their quality and scale their productivity. Real-time processing of the data from multiple sources are used collectively to enhance the intelligence of the smart things by Priya et al. IoT and Bigdata can be integrated to provide service to the organizations and individuals, it facilitates the organization by providing a better business model to compete in the real world. An IoT-Cloud Based Solution for Real-Time and Batch Processing of Big Data is proposed by Nada Chendeb Taher et al, considering Healthcare application. Here, healthcare management is built on IoT, Big Data Analytics and Cloud Computing. Authors collects the data from the different medical IoT devices and storing this bulk data on the cloud like Amazon Web services and process the real time and long-term data. It is observed that Cloud, Big Data, IoT based application for healthcare deals very well with response time and allowed cost model to facilitate the health care. Related work by Oracle in Driving Real -Time Insight (2016) proposed that Oracle IoT Cloud Service and Oracle Big Data Cloud Service are ready to work with an organization to connect, analyse, and integrate the data collected from different IoT devices, collected data is in large scale. This bulk data need to be transmitted to the other connected devices or to the application controlling the environment. The complexities involved in IoT, Cloud Computing and Big Data are handled by Oracle. The complexities exist from devices to applications, data to analytics and security to scalability.

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