Support Services to Enhance Students' Mental Health in Higher Education Institutions in Namibia

Support Services to Enhance Students' Mental Health in Higher Education Institutions in Namibia

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2833-0.ch018
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter presents an overview of the support services to enhance students' mental health in higher education institutions in Namibia. In light of the myriad difficulties encountered by students on a daily basis, it is imperative to establish frameworks that guarantee the provision of essential assistance to foster academic excellence. An analysis was conducted by reviewing various sources in order to obtain an understanding of the student affairs and support services offered at three leading universities in Namibia. These services encompass a range of areas, such as counselling services, peer support programs, initiatives promoting mental health awareness, mental health screening, accommodation and support services, and crisis intervention services. Institutional support mechanisms in terms of policy and practice and recommendations for future practice are examined.
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Mental health is a fundamental human right and an integral component of our overall health and well-being. The World Health Organisation [WHO] (2022) defines mental health as a condition of well-being in which every individual realises their potential, can deal with the pressures of everyday life, is productive in their work, and can make a positive contribution to society. Having sound mental health enables individuals to enhance their capacity for social interaction, cognitive functioning, adaptive coping, and overall well-being. For students to be able to navigate life's challenges in addition to those that are a direct consequence of being a student, mental health is even more crucial. Therefore, the prioritisation of student mental health within the context of higher education institutions should be a central focus in conversations pertaining to the overall welfare of students. According to Goodman (2017), mental health is a significant concern among post-secondary education students due to the unique developmental opportunities presented by institutions of higher education environment. This is because institutions of higher learning offer a crucial platform for equipping students with necessary skills to foster long-term mental health and overall well-being.

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