Studying Physical and Chemical Properties of Graphene Oxide and Reduced Graphene Oxide and Their Applications in Sustainable Building Materials

Studying Physical and Chemical Properties of Graphene Oxide and Reduced Graphene Oxide and Their Applications in Sustainable Building Materials

Omar Ibrahim, Savaş Erdem, Ezgi Gurbuz
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7023-4.ch010
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In this chapter, the authors identified graphene oxide (OG)/reduced graphene oxide (RGO) as nano composites by studying its nanoparticles' properties physically, chemically, and mechanically. In this study, they mentioned the photo catalyst materials PC regarding carbon nanostructures such as GO and RGO, which have excellent oxygen functionalities, efficient adsorption areas, and considerable surface area. The compositions of GO and RGO exceed electron-holes pair reinstallation time and minimize energy hiatus by adjusting valence band level (VBL) with conducting band level (CBL) bringing high suction of the exist radiance, which improves photo degeneration achievement of material oxides and composites made from polymers. They also studied the main applications of GO and RGO in engineering fields and summarized the usefulness of intercalation of GO and RGO in construction sectors. Moreover, many synthesis techniques lead to many types of GO. Therefore, in this chapter, the authors tried to collect most GO and RGO properties, structures, and applications.
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Different governments around the world have a liability to include that there is safe equipping of energy to secure economic improvements. In many sophisticated communities there is usually very few edges between existing power provider and electrical-energy request. With improving electricity employ from current consumers and new links, new offspring needs to be brought on line to apply the increasing amounts in request. Moreover, due to variable climate types and the increasing hazard of dryness, countries that are strongly dependent on electricity from hydropower as their essential source of electricity are forfeiting much of their offspring capability showed in powerful power portioning.

Nowadays, Graphene Oxide (GO) and Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO) became one an imperative subject in scientific field and engineering realm. Their accepted porosity value, low density, and relatively high surface area, in addition to its ability to conduct electric stream makes the concerns of wide range of researchers and scientists. The efforts and works on analysing Graphene Oxide and Reduced Graphene Oxide is not new. It got material science scholars’ interests from 30 years ago. Several materials have been developed regards time and methods to their manufacturing form an actual prospect for the material uses as super capacitors, electric batteries, gas sensors, and actuators. Recently, the interests in Graphene Oxide as materials forerunner significantly increased. This could be referred to its ability to form steady colloidal dispersions in polar solvent (like water) and consequentially transfer into a minimized electrically conductive Graphene like organize under thermal and physiochemical treatment. Moreover, the capability of such composite materials to multi-cyclic distortions, elasticity, and flexibility pulls interests of material researchers.

During building construction and operation process, there is formidable effect on our environments and communities using materials, water resources and different kinds of energy. To reduce the environmental perversions and save the natural resources, demands for applying co-environmental ‘Green’ building is increasing gradually. This article and its sub-topic address a diversity of surveys to improve construction energy efficiency. The activity of different resources and methods to manage environmental pollution are directed in other topics inside this encyclopaedia. The major energy-using frameworks related to constructions are building construction members (which is, the building cover), ventilation, heating, energy-consuming devices, air conditioning equipment (HVAC), and apparatus, including lighting. The output of all these energy frameworks could be enhanced by applying different standards and by turning to energy-efficient devices. Another way to enhance energy outputs is by applying burden administration technologies.

The swift increasing of publication activities in this topic recently is considered to some extent to the need for the enhancement of light electronic devices, especially energy storage devices which became one of life needs of anyone. Reduced Graphene Oxide also used in expansion of aerogels. Authors in this direction are endeavouring to develop the electrical conductivity, the mechanical properties, surface area, durability, and elasticity of these materials to get such a considerable composite.

Many polymers easily mix with Graphene Oxide to compose nanocomposites, which extremely improve the main polymer's properties such as elastic modulus, tensile strength, electrical conductivity, and thermal stability. When GO chips are firm, they appear to stick together, forming small, extremely stable paper-like structures. Moreover, many researchers and materials scientists developed GO and reform its internal features that have beater and more enhanced properties. These features allow us to use GO in the construction field as well. It has been used directly in concrete or added as an admixture to other cementitious materials which notably improved the physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of binders and different structural members.

Studies on graphene reinforced cementitious composites are very important nowadays when most of the energy consumption is made for heating and cooling purposes in buildings. Graphene can effectively be used energy harvesting in buildings and also provide comfort temperature inside the building. This study, which refers to the types and properties of graphene and reduced graphene oxides and summarizes the numerical and experimental studies on these materials, has shown that graphene can play an important role in reducing energy consumption in buildings.

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