Student Stress and Mental Health Crisis: Higher Education Institutional Perspective

Student Stress and Mental Health Crisis: Higher Education Institutional Perspective

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0708-3.ch013
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Psychological well-being is a condition of mental prosperity that empowers individuals to adapt to the burdens of life, understand their capacities, learn well and function admirably, and add to their local area. It is a vital part of well-being and prosperity that supports our individual and aggregate capacities to decide, construct connections, and shape the world we live in. Emotional wellness is a fundamental common freedom. Mental health has been a critical topic in today times as many students are facing difficulties in real-word situations. Even before the pandemic, schools and other institutions had to deal with a surge in demand for care that outstripped their ability to provide it, and it has been increasingly obvious that the traditional model of counseling centres is inadequate to handle the issue. The present study aims to discuss the mental health crisis at higher education institutions and different ways we can cope with this situation as mental health is becoming a common problem nowadays.
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Psychological well-being is a condition of mental prosperity that empowers individuals to adapt to the burdens of life, understand their capacities, learn well and function admirably, and add to their community. It is a vital part of well-being and prosperity that supports our individual and aggregate capacities to decide, construct connections and shape the world we live in. Emotional wellness is a fundamental common freedom. By nearly every metric, students' psychological wellness is declining. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Mental Health has been a critical topic in today times as many students are facing difficulties in real word situations. For young people, pursuing a college education can be a very difficult experience. Many college students struggle with mental health issues like anxiety, mood disorders, and substance use disorders as a result of the high work demands and expenses of education (Alonso et al., 2019; Auerbach et al., 2016). These issues can hinder students' academic performance, retention, and general well-being (Bruffaerts et al., 2018).

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