Structural Sustainability Framework for Organizational Resilience in the Post-Pandemic Era

Structural Sustainability Framework for Organizational Resilience in the Post-Pandemic Era

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1802-7.ch012
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This chapter has the purpose of analyzing the socio-economic sustainability in the post-pandemic era based on an organizational structural construct based on a framework for elements such as reliability, safety, and deployment of organizational resources. It is assumed that theoretical and empirical studies in organizational resilience have limited contributions to the concepts of high-reliability organization applied to a diversity of entities and with a variety of characteristics. The method employed is the analytical reflective of the theoretical and empirical literature review. This study concludes that the emerging concept of organizational resilience confirms that the creation and development of an organizational resilience framework for structural construct can be supported by elements based on the flexibility of organizational culture, organizational safety and reliability, the promotion elements, and the deployment of organizational resources.
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Organizations seek to improve resilience of structure and functions, assets and infrastructure against disruption, degradation, and destruction. Organizational resilience can be evaluated on its facilities, infrastructure, and supply chains (Kohno et al. 2012). Organizational resilience is considered as a second‐order construct but manifests at the first‐order level constructs identified by Richtnér and Löfsten (2014) as cognitive, structural and emotional resources linked to organizational creativity. Resilience is also considered as the ability to absorb, stabilize the system structure, achieve function and identity in the cope of shocks.

A methodology for improving organizational resilience is based on structures and processes that address aspects such as labor flexibility, personnel reassignment, minimization of turnover and absenteeism, redesign of jobs and reorganization of operations, among others, which increase the ability to respond to ruptures and create opportunities (Denyer,2017, 20). A methodology to develop organizational resilience is based on structures and processes aimed to enhance the ability to respond to disruptions and create opportunities (Denyer, 2017, 20). Organizational resilience can be defined in terms of its outcome or what does, as “the maintenance of positive adjustment under challenging conditions such that the organization emerges from those conditions strengthened and more resourceful” (Sutcliffe & Vogus, 2003; Vogus & Sutcliffe, 2007).

Enhancing organizational resilience has a variety of concepts, principles, approaches, guidelines, and elements which combined enable to design a framework to be implemented at different organizational levels combined with varied factors at each level, creating and developing a theoretical model to influence organizational resilience. The concept of organizational resilience can be a single at the organizational level or multi‐level concept (Linnenluecke, 2017) constructed and achieved at different organizational collective levels. Organizational resilience from the perspective of individual level is based on the inference that the organization is resilience as its individuals (Coutu, 2002; Horne, 1997; Horne and Orr 1998; Mallak 1998; Shin et al. 2012).

The concept of organizational resilience emerges from cognitive and engineering sciences among others to create and develop a framework for structural construct of organizational resilience supported on elements based on flexibility of organizational culture, organizational safety and reliability, the promotion elements, and the deployment of organizational resources. The analysis of data and information emerged from the research within the theoretical framework of adaptive socio-economic systems based on socio-ecology and sustainability after the COVID-19 pandemic and the co-managament and resilience needed.

An example we can cite of organizational resilience in healthcare, where a number of strategies with different characteristics and indicators have been developed to be able to assess organizational resilience (Ignatowicz et al., 2023), the different organizations that has experienced a cyberattack in the last years and have to developed new capabilities in response to that threat become more resilient in relation to a global pandemic (Hepfer & Lawrence, 2022), as well as the education sector, which responded to the blockade during COVID-19, presenting evidence of how schools around the world responded resiliently (Nielsen et, al., 2023).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Resources: A supply of something that can be used to increase the wellness.

Organizational Resilience: The ability of an organization to anticipate, prepare for, respond to, and adapt to incremental change and sudden disruptions in order to survive and thrive.

Organization: Group of people who form a business together in order to achieve a particular aim.

Crisis: A time of great danger, difficulty, or doubt when problems must be solved.

Flexibility: The ability to change or to suit new conditions or situations.

Resilience: The ability of people or things to recover quickly after something unpleasant.

Sustainability: The use of different kind of resources in a way that doesn´t harm the environment.

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