Strive to Lead in Quality Education: A Study on Online Education During the Pandemic in India

Strive to Lead in Quality Education: A Study on Online Education During the Pandemic in India

Navita Mahajan, Seema Garg
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4083-4.ch015
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This chapter highlights some measures and strategies taken by online education players to provide seamless education in the country with the best digital innovation roadmaps. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a holistic view of ongoing online teaching-learning methods during the lockdown, as well as to highlight changes that occurred in the traditional education system during the COVID pandemic. The study reveals how technology-driven digitalization approaches, innovative methods, and endless efforts to penetrate maximum students from each segment were benchmarks for this emerging digital education industry. The implications of the current study are that stakeholders in the education sector at various levels can take learning from these platforms to frame strategies for maximum accessibility to students. This will lead to achieving not only social and access to quality education goals for everyone but also build a strong educated nation in line with various digital missions and the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.
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Key Learnings Of Chapter

  • To discuss the role of e learning during pandemic.

  • To discuss the advantages and disadvantages on the various forms of online platforms adopted during pandemic.

  • To highlight various strategies of online platforms during the pandemic period.

  • To provide some suggestions and recommendations making online mode of learning successful.



When the whole globe is reeling under the current pandemic emergency cruising the tempest, innovation and technology has assumed a vital part in every field. Technology driven platform apps have infused or introduced lot of changes in lifestyle and modern living. The prevailing situation confronted the education system across the world and forced educators to shift to an online mode of teaching overnight, when more than 1.2 billion children in 186 countries were being affected by school shutdown because of the pandemic. Online learning has been a huge systematic device for education Industry to proceed adequately with the instructing learning measure during the lockdown. It's even more encouraging that young students have found online classes to be both intriguing and rewarding. The system has fixed it's root extraordinarily in the field of current training. The need of present-day students is very unique and various online platforms have been discovered advantageous for satisfying requirements for students of different ages, courses and competitions. The expansion of online education has been aided by increased internet penetration and adoption of digital payments. E-learning is widely utilised for training and education around the world. Re-skilling and online certifications account for a large share of the online learning market. However, the focus on quality and individual learning in primary and secondary supplemental education has prompted various educational institutes and organisations to invest heavily in e-learning. With a CAGR of 52 percent, the e-learning market, which was worth $247 million in 2016, is predicted to reach $3.2 billion by the end of 2022. The vehicles of online learning and standards of man-made reasoning are bit by bit acquiring prominence on the planet. It is providing a solution for these learners/students who are unable to access traditional schooling techniques due to the present pandemic situation.

The Indian government has also done all possible to combat the deadly and contagious disease's ramifications. The Indian government advocated the use of ICT in the field of education, notably during the shutdown time, to save education from the effects of COVID-19. The Indian federal government and state governments in various areas have made several steps to ensure that education is available to all students across the country. The government promotes current E-learning initiatives such as CLASS, EDUSAT, SWAYAM, NPTEL, CEC, ILLL, and others, as well as launching new instruments to encourage E-learning.

The current paper will unfurl the strategies of online education platforms that the instructive establishments have been following in India in assorted fields during the pandemic emergency of COVID-19 .

Role of E-Learning in COVID-19 Crisis

Education is one of the vital components in building a decent country. During these difficult situations, educators have been using e-learning stages to bestow training to the understudies. It is additionally depicted as virtual or web based learning that offers various tools for digital education, communication, live chats and attendance. Various tools using ICT for teachers are also available like PPT, PDF, Teams that have inspired positive changes in learning methodolies global level.

Some of the grounds for online pedagogy include accessibility, cost, flexibility, learning pedagogy, life-long learning, and policy. It is said that online learning is simple to use and that it can even reach rural and remote locations. In terms of transportation, lodging, and the overall expense of institution-based learning, it is a significantly less expensive way of education. Another appealing feature of online learning is the ability to arrange or plan one's time for completing courses offered online.

The figures(Fig 1 & Fig 2) below show the growth trend of major online players during this time at school level and higher level.

Figure 1.

Growth in online players during pandemic (UG and PG Level)

Figure 2.

Growth in online players during pandemic (school users)


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