Strengthening Resilience: AI and Machine Learning in Emergency Decision-Making for Natural Disasters

Strengthening Resilience: AI and Machine Learning in Emergency Decision-Making for Natural Disasters

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4284-8.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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With climate change and natural catastrophe risk rising, India faces several risks. Administrators, disaster responders, and medical teams face difficult terrain. Emergency decision-making is being pursued to increase natural catastrophe resilience. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can revolutionize emergency decision-making by providing data-driven insights, improving predictive capabilities, optimizing resource allocation, and strengthening communities facing India's rising disaster risk. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can quickly and efficiently analyze large datasets during crises due to the turmoil and flood of enormous data from varied sources. Advanced tools for real-time data analysis and predictive modeling are needed to help disaster management decision-makers traverse the complex labyrinth. In this chapter, technology and resilience are examined in depth. We've seen AI and machine learning alter emergency decision-making, demonstrating its adaptability and efficacy.
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1. Emergency Decision-Making Challenges In Indian Natural Disasters: Strategies And Building Resilience From Ai And Machine Learning

India, with its vast geographical expanse and diverse climatic conditions, confronts a variety of challenges when it comes to natural disasters, escalating the risk potential of the population across the nation. The rapidly growing population, particularly in densely populated urban areas, poses a substantial challenge due to increased risk (Singh, R. 2023). This presents a significant hurdle for effective evacuation, emergency response, and resource allocation during disasters. The geographical diversity of the country introduces a range of hazards, from cyclones in the coastal regions to earthquakes in seismic zones and floods in the riverine plains, demanding a flexible and adaptable disaster management approach. As the demographic, climatic, and socio-economic factors intertwine, crafting resilient strategies becomes increasingly complex.

Natural disasters present immediate threats that require swift and strategic decision-making, posing a complex landscape for administrators, disaster responders, and medical teams. One immediate threat is the potential loss of human life, as disasters such as earthquakes, floods, or hurricanes can cause sudden and widespread destruction. Rapid decision-making is crucial for timely evacuation and rescue operations to minimize casualties. The displacement of populations adds to the urgency, straining available resources and infrastructure. Additionally, the destruction of critical facilities, including hospitals and communication networks, hampers the ability to coordinate a rapid response.

In this intricate landscape, administrators grapple with decisions related to the allocation of limited resources, balancing the immediate needs of affected populations with the long-term goals of recovery and reconstruction. The socio-economic diversity of affected communities adds layers of complexity, requiring decisions that consider both the immediate relief efforts and the sustainable rebuilding of livelihoods. Administrators must navigate political, social, and economic considerations, often in high-pressure environments with limited information. For disaster responders, the challenge lies in coordinating efforts across various agencies, both local and international, and managing the influx of aid. Decision-making involves prioritizing tasks, determining the most effective deployment of resources, and adapting strategies in real time as the situation evolves. The dynamic nature of disasters demands flexibility and the ability to make decisions quickly, often with incomplete information. Medical teams, on the other hand, face the immediate challenge of triaging patients, allocating limited medical resources, and providing care under challenging conditions. The potential for mass casualties requires decisions on treatment priorities, the transportation of patients, and the establishment of temporary medical facilities. The complex interplay between medical, logistical, and ethical considerations complicates decision-making amid chaos.

Emergency decision-making (EDM) in natural disasters holds paramount importance, serving as the backbone for mitigating the immediate impact of disasters and fostering long-term resilience. The urgency of natural disasters necessitates rapid and well-informed decisions to save lives, minimize suffering, and expedite recovery efforts. Effective decision-making at this stage can significantly reduce casualties and enhance the overall response efficiency. The aftermath of a natural disaster presents a complex landscape where strategic decisions are vital for addressing evolving challenges. The dynamic nature of disasters requires adaptability, where real-time data and predictive analytics can play a pivotal role in optimizing resource deployment and enhancing situational awareness. These technologies aid in decision-making by providing insights into the evolving nature of the disaster, enabling responders to adjust strategies to the rapidly evolving scenarios.

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