Strategies for Motivating Learners to Complete the General Education and Training Certificate Level 1 in South Africa

Strategies for Motivating Learners to Complete the General Education and Training Certificate Level 1 in South Africa

Itumeleng I. Setlhodi, Motlagoiloe S. Moroe
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6625-4.ch009
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The general education and training certificate: adult basic education and training provides learners with foundational learning through the acquisition of knowledge and skills needed for social and economic development and the promotion of justice and equality. However, national statistics show that the number of learners who enroll for the programme exceeds those who complete it. The qualitative study was conducted to explore strategies that can be used to motivate adult learners to complete the GETC: ABET. Interactive individual and focus interviews (=35) led to findings indicating that interventions used by teachers to encourage learners to complete their studies, and support given, minimise, or eliminate barriers against completing the programme. Thereupon, the Department of Higher Education and Training has an opportunity to strengthen the teachers' stratagems in ensuring that more learners complete the programme. Accordingly, this chapter proposes strategies found to be essential in this study, for consideration by community colleges.
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The changes taking place in society have made adult education an integral part of lifelong learning. According to UNESCO (2017), based on emancipatory, humanistic and democratic values, lifelong learning covers the integration of learning and living, covering learning activities for all ages, in all life contexts and through formal, non-formal and informal modalities. Lifelong learning is promoted for both an investment motive and a consumption motive. The investment motive equips learners with the competencies required in the workplace and the consumption motive assists in learners’ personal development (Nafukho, Amutabi & Otunga 2005:150). However, there seems to be a lack of structured strategies in place to support completion of the GETC: ABET programme. Adult basic education and training is meant to offer a route that adults can take into general education, aimed at improving their quality of life (particularly for previously disadvantaged adults) and to promote lifelong learning. However, most adult learners, enrolled in the programme, do not complete their training, as indicated by the 2014 statistics on Post-School Education and Training in South Africa (Department of Higher Education and Training 2014:59). This suggests that livelihoods that would otherwise be improved through basic education are not supported, thereby compromising the likelihood to improve their socio-economic outlook.

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